Friday, January 12, 2024

CES 2024: Milo Action Communicator, walkie-talkie reimagined

Screenshot from video below

Wired, 1/10/2024
If you’ve ever gone skiing or backpacking in a group, you know that the worst part of the day is when you’re supposed to meet up at the end and someone has wandered off. There you are, tired, cold, and grouchy, with no idea if your friend is just being slow, if they’ve died, or if they are simply dawdling while looking at a lizard. Milo reimagines the old familiar walkie talkie as a modern voice communication platform for small groups. Clip a palm-sized device to the outside of your jacket or backpack strap, then chat freely without worrying about clicking the right button or finding the right frequency. Milo is hands-free and phone-free, and MiloAI will talk to you when you need hands-free help fast—e.g. “Alex is in range,” or “Hey Milo, talk to Sara”. Milo can send and receive signals to other units up to 5,000 feet away in clear terrain, which is nearly a mile. The battery lasts all day on a single charge, and you can use either Bluetooth or a wired headset to listen and to chat.

According to Merriam-Webster, the first known use of walkie-talkie occurred in 1939.

  1. attack dog
  2. blitz
  3. civil defense
  4. corn dog
  5. jukebox
  6. slash-and-burn

Other CES 2024 posts:

Hyundai eVTOL purpose built vehicles (PBVs).  (11/24/2023)

Lumary HDMI sync box.  (11/25/2023)
Serry Smart Cooker.  (11/24/2023)

TomTom Map Maker.  (11/28/2023)
Hisense 5S Series Washer.  (11/28/2023)
Samsung Galaxy Z 5Fold.  (11/28/2023)

Cyrusher Hurricane e-bike.  (12/2/2023) 

Invaiz Grid Pro.  (12/4/2023)

AGC Wideye.  (12/6/2023

"Moonwalker" robotic shoes.  (12/30/2023)

Supernal Vertiport.  (1/6/2024)

JBL Clip 5.  (1/10/2024)

From the past:

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