Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Reporter Defines "Many" as "One"

Hulsey: You know, Mary Burke, I’m on the primary ballot, too.  (Wisconsin Reporter, 8/12/2014)

M. D. Kittle reports.   But for a party that supposedly puts a premium on grassroots organization and support, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin has defied that maxim in its early all-in approach to backing Burke, many Dems have complained.

Which is followed by a Margie Zilic quote-fest.
  •  “I don’t know why the party didn’t look further, why they couldn’t find anyone stronger."
  • “Who knows that Brett is even running?  I’m not saying Brett is the answer for everybody, but there should have been other choices … Mary Burke is not a perfect solution.”
  • Sounding frustrated and downhearted, Hulsey’s campaign treasurer said, sadly, she believes Burke would probably win the primary election “because she has the party behind her.” 

That's all folks.

No one else was invited to this party.

Postscript:  Marge is Hulsey's campaign treasurer and has also worked as his bookkeeper for the past 10 years.  And this is Kittle's only source. 

Pathetic!  Just pathetic.  But then again......

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