Saturday, August 16, 2014

County Funding to Libraries in Adjacent Counties: Geography and Convenience Trump the "Easy Fix" for Kewaunee County

In 2014, Kewaunee County paid $63,956 to public libraries in Brown and Manitowoc counties.

Kewaunee pays thousands to consolidated libraries.  (Green Bay Press-Gazette, 8/15/2014)

Meet Mr. and Mrs. AbitzThe problem looks like an easy fix: Kewaunee County residents should not use the Brown County Library. Try explaining this to residents of some of the western community residents of Kewaunee County. Jerry Abitz, for example, is located exactly 1.5 miles from both the Brown and Door county lines.  (In the vicinity of the red arrow.)

Abitz and his wife are avid readers and find it more convenient to utilize the Brown County Library system. For Abitz, who travels to Green Bay six times per week already, a stop at the library is easy. 

"What do I do? The downtown library is only 24 minutes from my house by freeway," Abitz said. "To go to Algoma would be a half-hour drive one way, and I'm not going there for any other reason."

Not even the lake views are an incentive.

  Photo source:  Wikipedia

FAQ About County Library Funding to Libraries in Adjacent Counties (Act 420)

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