Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives has a solution for rural population loss: Drill, baby, drill!!


Trib-Live, 7/8/2024

Guy's wet dream for rural Pa
But we can fix rural Pennsylvania’s population decline — and even spark growth — with sensible policies. 
For example, Pennsylvania is sitting on enough natural gas — almost entirely in rural counties — to out-power Saudi Arabia for two centuries. The state should institute regulations, legislation and tax policies that encourage this energy source’s growth and development. Instead, political rhetoric and policies have tried to slow down, if not, ban it.
If embraced, the natural gas sector could lead to countless high-paying, even six-figure, jobs in rural Pennsylvania. Those jobs would involve locating the gas, drilling for wells, piping the resource, and then transporting it for fuel. Moreover, these communities, despite their location, don’t have the pipeline infrastructure to use local gas for homes, businesses, hospitals and schools. Investing in this resource, though, would lead to lower personal, business, educational, and health care costs. 
In addition, the natural gas sector would create thousands of ancillary businesses and jobs, including those involving machinery, tools, servicing, equipment and repairs. Those workers need to eat, buy clothes, get medicine, buy cars — live life.  [emphasis added}

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