Wednesday, July 10, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Wisconsin Supreme Court overrules major piece of GOP voter suppression plan

Headline:  WIZM, 7/6/2024
The justices announced in March they would review the ban on drop boxes but wouldn’t consider any other parts of the case. 
The move drew the ire of the court’s conservatives, who accused the liberals of trying to give Democrats an advantage this fall. Democratic Gov. Tony Evers in April urged the court to again allow drop boxes. The court ruled 4-3 on Friday that drop boxes can be utilized in any location. 
Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, one of the court’s four liberal justices, wrote for the majority that placing a ballot in a drop box set up and maintained by a local election clerk is no different than giving the ballot to the clerk, regardless of the box’s location. Local clerks have great discretion in how they administer elections and that extends to using and locating drop boxes, she added. 
“Our decision today does not force or require that any municipal clerks use drop boxes,” Bradley wrote. “It merely acknowledges what (state law) has always meant: that clerks may lawfully utilize secure drop boxes in an exercise of their statutorily-conferred discretion.”
Supporters of fair maps and voting rights for all

Related posts:
GOP voter suppression lapdogs:  3 conservative members of Wisconsin Supreme Court freak out over any effort to remove barriers to voting.  (4/19)

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