Tuesday, January 31, 2023

On this day in 1977 (Springfield Massachusetts)

Tony was still sound asleep when I left for work.  Later in the morning, he called to say he'd be back in Springfield after his job interview in Newburgh.  It was close to 7:00 when he returned to the apartment.  As a natural prelude to going out to dinner, we toked up a couple joints.  Instead of making a direct line for the restaurant (Si-An), I meandered through some of the residential streets in the area to give Tony a sampling of some of Springfield's magnificent homes.  Unfortunately, it was too dark for a clear and studied view, but in most cases the dusky outlines were enough to get the point across.

 The dinner was a bit of a disappointment.  Although the portions were generous, the food itself was quite bland.  Through most of the meal, we were the only customers in the restaurant.  And this is the only Chinese restaurant in Springfield?!  After returning to the apartment, we sprawled out on the living room floor and smoked a couple more joints.  I also turned Tony on to some music he had never heard before.  His favorable reaction to Wolf City was mildly surprising.

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