Friday, March 31, 2023

Yet another Wisconsin FoxCon in the works?

Remember when Scott Walker figured an announcement of the LARGEST PROJECT IN STATE HISTORY would insure him a third term in the governor's office.

Headline:  Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/27/2023
Data centers growing in demand 
America’s largest technology companies, including Microsoft, Amazon and Google are building data centers and the industry has doubled in size since the end of 2015, according to the Synergy Research Group. 
Still, despite the growth, the industry is not creating the number of jobs expected, according to the New York Times. 
E.W. Gregory, the head of the local International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union, told the Times that when Microsoft opened a data center in Boydton, Virginia, the community thought it would create hundreds of jobs but that was not the case.

Or as Ryan Brooks. vice president and general manager of Data Holdings Data Center, the company that operates the facility for Potawatomi, say here.
"Data centers don't bring a bunch of fanfair.  It's a big building for computers, not a huge number of employees. At the end of the day, the computers are doing the work.[emphasis added]

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