Link to March 3 column by MCPL Director Phyllis Christensen in the Wausau Daily Herald, "10th library 'location' stays open 24/7".
Excerpt: Marathon County Public Library is known for its nine libraries in Athens, Edgar, Hatley, Marathon, Mosinee, Rothschild, Spencer, Stratford, and Wausau.
These are the buildings where people of all ages come. Children come for story times. Teens come for special programs and to play games. Adults come for book discussions. All ages come to check out books, movies, CDs and video games; to use computers; for help with homework and questions.
These are the buildings where people of all ages come. Children come for story times. Teens come for special programs and to play games. Adults come for book discussions. All ages come to check out books, movies, CDs and video games; to use computers; for help with homework and questions.
The buildings are warm and welcoming, and we are always glad to see our customers pass through the doors. However, buildings close, and staff go home at the end of the day.
MCPL has a 10th location that never closes. It's our Web page at www.mcpl.us. Access to many of the same information sources (databases) that staff use to answer questions is available on our Web page. One extensively used resource is EbscoHost, a collection of several databases of magazine articles and other research sources. It is provided to libraries throughout Wisconsin by state funds to give access to quality online information resources to Wisconsin residents.
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