Thursday, July 25, 2024

GOP goes on racist DEI rant aimed at Kamala Harris (Tim Burchett edition)

Headline:  New Republic, 7/24/2024
On Monday, Representative Tim Burchett called Harris a “DEI hire” with an “abysmal” record, lamenting Biden choosing Harris in 2020. “What about white females? What about any other group? It just, when you go that route, you take mediocrity,” Burchett said.

Related posts:
Tough assignment: GOP leaders tell members not to be racist.  (7/24/2024)
Sugar pie, honey bunch, they can't help themselves:  GOP goes on racist DEI rant aimed at Kamala Harris (Larry Kudlow edition).  (7/24/2024
GOP goes on racist DEI rant aimed at Kamala Harris (Sebastian Gorka edition).  (7/25/2024)

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