Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Reince Priebus wants to hang on to what he's got with President Trump

(emphasis added)
Reported in How Priebus Hangs On.  (Politico, 6/5/2017)

The Four Seasons' 9th single to reach the Billboard Hot 100, "Let's Hang On" debuted at #72 for the week ending October 9, 1965.  It spent 16 weeks on the chart, 8 of them in the top 10, peaking at #3.

Other Priebus posts:
Are you a rich, balding white man? You have a 75% chance of being Trump's next chief of staff.  (4/7/2017)
Despite its turn to the right, Wisconsin gets tripped up again by GOP.  (3/25/2017)
Reince Priebus as fall guy: Clearly, Chris Ruddy, Trump is the guy in way over his head.  (3/6/2017)
The buck stops there: Breitbart on a mission to tank Reince Priebus.  (2/14/2017)
Apparently, David Brooks has a very low regard for Reince Priebus.  (2/1/2017)
'Anti-establishment' Trump picks Reince Priebus, the ultimate GOP insider, as his chief of staff.  (11/14/2016)
Reince Priebus's Republican National Convention to-do list.  (7/3/2016)
UPDATE: Seems like just yesterday Reince Priebus said "nothing bad is going to happen".  (6/8/2016)
Let's replay one of Reince Priebus's greatest hits: Pimp My Governor (2013).  (3/19/2016)
Flaks say the darndest things at state GOP conventions.  (5/6/2013)
Reince Priebus explains it all to us.  (1/21/2012)

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