Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Manitowoc Public Library Trustee Addresses Staff Reorganization Plan

Guest commentary: Manitowoc library restructuring flawed.  (Herald Times Reporter, 1/26/2011)

Excerpt: I've been pleased with the amount of coverage that the restructuring of the Manitowoc Public Library has been receiving. I don't know about the other trustees, but my phone has been ringing off the hook on this issue. I've received more calls regarding this restructuring than I did on the city budget.

I'm also pleased that every citizen that has called is on the same page I'm on. This restructuring is an affront to common sense, is being poorly executed and is simply not needed. Out of 11 members on the Board of Trustees, only Supervisor Kevin Schmidt and I have expressed any concern or opposition to this plan. That is extremely disconcerting to me, and it should be equally disconcerting to the public, especially when considering the following points

Related article:
Library Director on the changing nature of libraries.  (1/21/2011)
Library reorganization plan affects staff morale. (1/21/2011)
Staffing Changes in the Works at the Manitowoc Public Library. (12/24/2010)

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