Print headline: New York Times, 3/24/2025
Lauren Hirsch reports on how the Trump GOP doesn't even bother to hide its racism anymore:
In the process of attacking big law firms this week, the Trump administration hinted at another potential target: a decades-old nonprofit that helps students land jobs on Wall Street.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sent letters to 20 law firms on Monday demanding information on their diversity, equity and inclusion, or D.E.I., efforts. All of the letters asked about Sponsors for Educational Opportunity, an organization known as SEO.
Racist dog whistles: Trump GOP specialty
Population of Charleroi Pennsylvania, focus of Demented Don's latest racist ire, has declined 64% since its 1920 peak of 11,516. (9/27)
Trump fuels surge in white nationalism. (6/12)2020
Remember, folks, Donald Trump is still Donald Trump no matter how he acts. (3/18)
Fighting Coronavirus: Too bad we didn't get that border wall built. (3/16)
Donald Trump blows on the the nativist, "foreign virus" dog whistle. (3/13)
MAGA: The incidents of racism, anti-semitism, and nativism stack up in Trump's America. (3/6)
Donald Trump: (a) Nativist, (b) racist, (c) ignoramus, (d) all of the preceding. (1/15/2018)
Iowa woman enrobes her nativism with Statue of Liberty reference. (11/1/2016)
Thank you very much, Donald Trump. 11/1/2016)
Please give a warm welcome to our next speaker: Donald Trump. (9/26/2015)
Remember, folks, Donald Trump is still Donald Trump no matter how he acts. (3/18)
Fighting Coronavirus: Too bad we didn't get that border wall built. (3/16)
Donald Trump blows on the the nativist, "foreign virus" dog whistle. (3/13)
MAGA: The incidents of racism, anti-semitism, and nativism stack up in Trump's America. (3/6)
Donald Trump: (a) Nativist, (b) racist, (c) ignoramus, (d) all of the preceding. (1/15/2018)
Iowa woman enrobes her nativism with Statue of Liberty reference. (11/1/2016)
Thank you very much, Donald Trump. 11/1/2016)
Please give a warm welcome to our next speaker: Donald Trump. (9/26/2015)
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