Saturday, February 3, 2024

Corry Pennsylvania designates itself as a "blue zone"

Corry in the 1950s

The population of Corry peaked at 7,489 in 1930 and has declined % since then.  It now has few people than it did in the early 1920s.

Source:  Wikipedia

New York Times, 1/21/2024
Now the real estate industry has jumped into the game. Blue Zones runs initiatives that certify towns and cities that meet healthy lifestyle criteria, and they help others remake themselves to promote longevity. The initiatives — often funded by health care systems and insurance companies with a vested interest in a hale and hearty population — promote solutions like smoking bans, biking paths and group activities that foster a sense of belonging. 
Eighty places in the United States — from Bakersfield, Calif., to Corry, Pa. — have adopted these initiatives, called Blue Zone Projects. Some developers take inspiration from Blue Zones even if they are not seeking official certification.

Retiring Guy grew up in Warren PA, 30 miles east of Corry.  At that time the Corry Beavers and the Warren Dragons were in the same sports conference.

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