Tuesday, December 5, 2023

GET ME REWRITE: All male, whites only Wisconsin GOP leadership decides the answer to child care crisis is tax breaks for businesses

Headline:  Wisconsin Public Radio, 12/1/2023
A proposal from Republican lawmakers would offer state tax breaks to Wisconsin businesses that help their employees afford child care. The refundable tax credits would apply to businesses that start their own day cares for workers, as well as to those who help employees pay for outside providers. During a public hearing this week, Sen. Dan Feyen, R-Fond Du Lac, said the legislation is one way to increase participation in Wisconsin's workforce. 
"Wisconsin is facing rising costs and reduced capacity in our day care industry," said Feyen, a co-sponsor of the proposal. "This is putting incredible strain on working families (and) putting parents in a position of choosing between dual incomes or sending kids to a day care." The bill includes a credit of up $100,000 to help a business with the start-up costs of creating its own day care program for the children of employees. A business could use that credit for capital expenses, such as playground equipment or lease or mortgage payments.

The Democratic leadership supports affordable child care for all families.

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