Monday, December 19, 2022

Trump nearly laps DeSantis in ourtlier Harvard-Harris poll, maintains comfortable average margin


In the wings.

CNN, 12/18/2022
“Absolutely. I’m looking at it – looking at it very seriously,” Hutchinson told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins last month. “After the midterm elections, it’s more intense, and it’s an accelerated review, and after going to Iowa, I’m encouraged that a governor who’s actually solved problems, who has a conservative commonsense approach, can draw support and can be a good alternative. So, I’m encouraged by it.” 
On Sunday, Hutchinson criticized House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy’s ability to control his conference and previewed his own leadership style and campaign approach if he were to run for president.

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Trump remains a winner, according to Australia's United States Studies Centre.  (11/22/2022)
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