Friday, April 22, 2022

Booksellers: Barnes & Noble goes from villain to hero


HeadlineNew York Times, 4/15/2022
Photos by Retiring Guy
In the past, the book-selling empire, with 600 outposts across all 50 states, was seen by many readers, writers and book lovers as strong-arming publishers and gobbling up independent stores in its quest for market share. 
Today, virtually the entire publishing industry is rooting for Barnes & Noble — including most independent booksellers. Its unique role in the book ecosystem, where it helps readers discover new titles and publishers stay invested in physical stores, makes it an essential anchor in a world upended by online sales and a much larger player: Amazon.

Original 10/23/2021 post, "Where is this book publishing seer today?, starts here.  

The Idea Logical Company (July 11, 2011)

Ebooks still hadn't caught six years later.

Pew Research, 9/1/2016

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