Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Dear Mayor Duggan, Detroit has been losing population in dramatic fashion since 1950. Best, Retiring Guy


New York Times, 8/28/2021
Mayor Mike Duggan pledged to stop that decline when he swept into office eight years ago, telling voters they could measure his success based on whether residents returned. But when the latest numbers were released this month, they showed the population had fallen more than 10 percent since 2010, to about 639,000 residents. 
In the ledger of the federal government, Mr. Duggan had failed to meet his goal, people were still leaving and Detroit now had fewer residents than Oklahoma City. In the mayor’s own view, he was succeeding, the city was coming back and the Census Bureau had just counted wrong. 
Hours after the census count was released, the mayor fired off an indignant statement accusing the bureau of undercounting Detroit residents by at least 10 percent.  [emphasis added]

Meet Mayor Mike 

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