A rising star in the Fox News universe, apparently.
CPR News, 4/6/2021
There’s a major difference between the states, though: Colorado votes by mail. Every registered voter receives a ballot about 15 to 20 days before the election. And instead of waiting in line at a polling station, the vast majority simply drop the ballot in a mailbox or a secure dropbox.
According to information from the Secretary of State, 99.3 percent of Colorado primary voters used one of those methods last year.
So, while it’s true that Colorado has fewer days for in-person voting, it also has far less demand for in-person voting. Voters rarely encounter lines here. And the ultimate result of Colorado’s system is extremely high turnout.
Top 10 states: Voter turnout in 2020 presidential election. Colorado is #2.
Georgia ranks 25th
4/5/2021 update, "Lisa Boothe, clueless", starts here
Lisa sums up 'clueless' in less than 30 words.
Exhibit A
Raw Story, /4/4/2021
Not her most laughable effort. Here's Exhibit B. A mere 13 words.
Her desperation to be relevant is just plain pathetic.
3/1/2021 update starts here.
BizPac Review, 2/27/2021
Confusing 'politics' with basic human rights, Lisa and her fellow revelers are also apoplectic over the Equality Act. Foaming-at-the-mouth crazy people.
2/23/2021 update, "Fox Business News clown princess hops on the #FireFauci hellbound train", starts here.
Please read this, you anti-science moron!
Doctor Fauci has advised seven Presidents on HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues. He was one of the principle architects of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a program that has saved millions of lives throughout the world.
What have you done lately, Lisa?
2/22/2021 update, " Has any television personality done more damage to Fox Business News than Lisa Boothe?", starts here.
The List, 2/22/2021
So eyebrows were definitely raised when Fox Business News Anchor Lisa Boothe tweeted a rhetorical question that called out the country's pandemic expert by saying "Has any government official done more damage to a country than Dr. Fauci?" to which Donald Trump Jr. replied "No."
1/21/2021 update, "Lisa Boothe overlooks the sins of Fox News", starts here.
LifeNews, 1/18/2021
(Pro-life slant on news)
Dear Lisa,
Note the heading on the screenshot: "HOW TO COVER EXTREMISM WITHOUT AMPLIFYING IT". The focus was not on banning the cesspools otherwise known as OAN and Newsmax but shrinking their platform to spew lies and information.
Best, Retiring Guy
By the way.....
CNN Business, 11/24/2020
(Hmm, this could be why Lisa is so pissed at Oliver.)
The Daily Beast, 1/9/2021
Los Angeles Times, 1/19/2021
Lisa earns her face paint and red nose with this drivel.
I also think, you know, further in light of reports and concerns that the events of January 6 were premeditated and coordinated, also looking at the fact that there were pipe bombs planted at the RNC and the DNC also undercut this narrative that the speech President Trump gave on January 6 was directly responsible for the unfolding events that we saw that day. Further, if the language that he used is directly responsible for inciting violence, many of the Democrats and many members of Congress who voted to impeach President Trump this week would be guilty of inciting violence by the same exact measure.
Reported at "Fox contributor claims pipe bombs found at RNC and DNC during Capitol riots exonerate Trump of incitement', Media Matters for America, 1/14/2021
1/4/2021 update. "The company she keeps: The myopic Lisa Boothe and the downright silly Adam Guiliette", starts here.
Welcome to the drool pool
BPR Business and Politics, 1/1/2021
Well, first of all, the National Football League just completed its 2020 regular season yesterday.
12/11/2020 update,"The upside-down, mixed up world of Lisa Boothe", starts here.
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Washington Post |
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Sources: The Patriot Post (top), Washington Post (bottom) |
11/15/2020 update, ""Gag me with a spoon": Lisa Boothe shares her Valley Girl chatter with Tucker Carlson", starts here.
Transcript of the 11/2/2020 broadcast found here
Don't ask my why, but Lisa is the most popular topic on my blog. By a long shot. Just feeding the beast, in a manner of speaking.
11/12/2020 update, "Keeping tabs on Lisa Boothe, consservative trifle", starts here.
11/9/2020 update "Let the archiving begin", starts here.
Apparently, Lisa is a big fan of train wrecks.
Swooning found at Lisa Boothe’s mysterious relationship has been revealed. Not single anymore, might get married soon! (Married Biography, 5/16/2019)
'I want to quit': Fox News employees say their network's Russia coverage was 'an embarrassment' . (CNN Business, 10/31/2017)
"I'm watching now and screaming," one Fox News personality said in a text message to CNN as the person watched their network's coverage. "I want to quit."
"It is another blow to journalists at Fox who come in every day wanting to cover the news in a fair and objective way," one senior Fox News employee told CNN of their outlet's coverage, adding that there were "many eye rolls" in the newsroom over how the news was covered.How the right-wing Fox News became Donald Trump’s state propaganda channel. (New Statesman, 5/19/2018)
Every morning, Donald Trump sets aside several hours for what aides have dubbed “executive time”. But he isn’t reading policy papers or intelligence briefings. He’s glued to the TV: specifically, to Fox News.Former Fox News Analyst Calls Network a ‘Destructive Propaganda Machine’. (The New York Times, 6/7/2018)
For 10 years, Ralph Peters regularly appeared on Fox News to offer military analysis and insight as one of the cable network’s reliably conservative commenters. But he quit in March in disgust.
9/6/2017 update, "The myopic, fascistic Lisa Boothe is extremely uncomfortable with the thought of a successful black man", starts here.
Quoted in 'Please Go Away': Lisa Boothe on Obama Slamming DACA Decision. (Fox News Insider, 9/6/2017)
7/15/2017 update, "Glasses on, Lisa Boothe fantasizes about a drunk, shirtless Putin", starts here.
Quoted in Lisa Boothe on Russia Obsession: Putin Wins & the American People Lose. (Fox News Insider, 7/14/2017)
6/27/2017 update, "Lisa Boothe neglected to keep her ophthamologist appointment", starts here.
And, of course, no one is surprised.
Trump blinds the media, who keep repeating the same mistakes. (Washington Examiner, 6/27/2017)
Actually, Lisa, as we've known all along, it's you that needs the corrective lenses. Big time!
Peter Gabriel's "Big Time" debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 for the week ending November, 29, 1986. It spent 23 weeks on the chart, peaking at #8.
1/11/2017 update, ": Dear Lisa, Time to schedule an appointment with your ophthamologist", starts here.
Reported at Outnumbered Pre-Attacks Obama’s Farewell Address Because He Might Criticize Trump. (NewsHounds, 1/10/2016)
Well, Lisa-Bisa, Quinnipiac has a much different tale to tell. Obama's approval rating is 18 percentage points higher than Господин Trump's.
Other Quinnipiac poll results:
And according to Real Clear Politic's daily tracking poll, Lisa, Barack Obama is leaving office with an impressively strong approval rating.
You'll get used to 'em.
12/17/2016 update, "The dubious track record and tender sensibilities of Lisa Boothe", starts here.
As opined in The Democrats' Newest Scapegoat: The Russians. (Washington Times, 12/16/2016)
[1] Lisa pulls the trigger too soon.
[2] Lisa repeats one of the GOP's big lies. (She uses the phrase "mainstream media" 3 times. It's what they do.)
8/31/2016 update, "Lisa Boothe and the Myopia Chronicles, chapter 2", starts here.
Quoted in On Fox, Lisa Boothe Lashes Out At “People Like Beyoncé” Who Push The “False Narrative” Of Racial Bias In Police Shootings. (Media Matters, 8/30/2016)
Related reading:
An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force, by Roland G. Fryer, Jr.
How a controversial study found that police are more likely to shoot whites, not blacks. (Washington Post, 7/13/2016)
Surprising New Evidence Shows Bias in Police Use of Force but Not in Shootings. (The New York Times, 71/1/2016)
The best advice:
Be Wary of Studies That Deny Racial Bias in Police Shootings. (Huffington Post, 7/27/2016)
Clearly, nothing here has been 'dispelled as fiction'. Unfortunately, there is little hard data to indicate whether racial bias plays a role in shootings like these. There's still no federal database about how widespread police violence is, nor any breakdown of which demographic groups bear the brunt of that force. In the absence of statistics, each new study on police violence is treated like breakthrough research, when it's actually a single data point in a field of study in its infancy.
8/16/2016 update, "Clearly, myopic Lisa Boothe needs to take in the big picture", starts here.
Source: Federal Bureau of Prisons
Glasses courtesy of funny.pho.to
Reported at Republican strategist says 25 percent of inmates are illegal immigrants. (PunditFact, 8/15/2016)
Related reading:
Correctional Populations in the United States, 2010. (U.S. Department of Justice)
7/27/2016 update, "Sorry, folks, but with this column, Lisa seriously enhances her bimbo cred", starts here.
Her latest blatherings are found at Fearful Americans want law and order. (Washington Examiner, 7/27/2016)
About that refrigerator remark.
No, Sec. of State John Kerry did not say refrigerators are as bad as ISIS. (New York Daily News, 7/25/2016.)
He was talking about the critical importance of responding to climate change. "(On Thursday), I met in Washington with 45 nations - defense ministers and foreign ministers - as we were working together on the challenge of [ISIS], and terrorism," Kerry said. "It's hard for some people to grasp it, but what we - you - are doing here right now is of equal importance because it has the ability to literally save life on the planet itself."
Gotta take a big-picture view, Lisa.
A catastrophe caused by climate change is seen as the biggest potential threat to the global economy in 2016, according to a survey of 750 experts conducted by the World Economic Forum. The annual assessment of risks conducted by the WEF before its annual meeting in Davos on 20-23 January showed that global warming had catapulted its way to the top of the list of concerns.
And about those bathtub remarks. (Note that she accuses Obama of condescending comments.)
But he doesn't know for sure. “Americans are more likely to die in a car crash, drown in a bathtub or be struck by lightning than be killed by a terrorist,” wrote the Times’ Peter Baker on Monday. “The Islamic State does not pose an existential threat to the United States.”
The Times put this opinion forward at a time when a majority of Americans admit to worries that they or a member of their family will be the victim of a terrorist attack.
Baker believes President Barack Obama shares his opinion but is not politically able to say so during his final State of the Union address on Tuesday. [emphasis added]
6/15/2016 update, "The fetching brilliance of Lisa Boothe", starts here.
As opined in 'Never Trump' movement should shift focus to Senate. (Washington Examiner, 6/15/2016)
It's not 2010 anymore, Lisa.
Compared to Feingold 47% / Johnson 44% in March 2016.
6/2/2016 update, "Woman who treats a job like a one-night stand attempts to smear distinguished resume of Elizabeth Warren", starts here.
Source: LinkedIn
Lisa in Michelle "Mau-Mau" Malkin mode.
The biggest hypocrite: Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren. (Washington Examiner, 6/1/2016)
The Washington Examiner is owned by the conservative, reclusive, and very rich Philip Anschutz. According to Forbes, he ranks #108 on the world's list of billionaires.
4/5/ update starts here.
Be among the small group that already has! (Only 55, so far.)
And if you follow her on Twitter, you'll be alerted to her TV appearances. They like her a lot at FOX News, it seems.
3/23/2016 revised post "Lisa Boothe, the cat's meow, has a new job! (The 3rd rev. ed.)" starts here.
Well, at least we know that High Noon Strategies is taking up all of her time.
Latest job spotted at Washington Examiner Taps Lisa Boothe. (CISION, 3/23/2016)
I really don't understand why this post continues to be so popular. In its original form, it was nothing but a toss-off, one I figured was destined for instant oblivion.
Little did I know.
Since it continues to attract attention, I feel obligated to keep it current.
So I must announce that Lisa is no longer Senior Director at Black Rock Group. In fact, she's in her second position since that gig.
Source: LinkedIn
[The original update begins with] Another resurgent post.
The "cat's meow" was used with a heavy, clanging sense of irony.
Merriam-Webster's citation files show that its first known use occurred in 1926.
And as for Lisa Boothe.
Well, as far as I can tell, she doesn't seem to be able to hold onto a job for very long. (The 1st rev. ed.)
Source: LinkedIn
So in my own catty way, I'd like to dedicate this song to her. (Oops, the video I shared in the 1st rev. ed. "does not exist". And, to tell the truth, I can't remember what the hell it was. So let's refresh.)
Original (toss-off) post starts here.
Postscript: And how did that go, Lisa?
Source: Ballotpedia
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