First of all, pardon me while I preach. (Hey, I'm a PK; it's in my blood.)
As you might expect, I have strong feelings on the subject of canvassing in libraries.
Let me give a hypothetical example -- forgetting about the current policy at my home library.
If I walked into the lobby of the Middleton Public Library and was asked to sign a petition to recall Scott Walker, I would be greatly offended. I would ask to speak to the Director, register my complaint, and insist that the library board reconsider its policy. Or lack of one.
In this case, and in our role of information provider in general, the public library's objective is make available the resources that allows an individual to make his or her own informed decision.
Otherwise, in my opinion, and in this particular case, the only acceptable alternative is to offer space and equal time to a group such as Recall the Recall.
End of sermon
Now for a review of Wisconsin public library behavior/code of conduct policies as they apply to canvassing and, more generally, solicitations. Unless shown by an asterisk, information below has been gathered from this source.
As you read these policy excerpts, please bear in mind....
Appleton Public Library
Rules of Conduct Policy
7. Taking surveys, circulating petitions, distributing leaflets, and other similar activities are permitted in the Library only when authorized by the Library Administration.
*Beloit Public Library
Canvassing, Selling, and Soliciting
*Eau Claire, L. E. Phillips Memorial Public Library
Circulation of Petitions in the Library
Janesville, Hedberg Public Library
Public Code of Behavior
16. SOLICITATION: Solicitation of patrons or staff for the purposes of sales, donations,
petitions is not permitted.
Kenosha Public Library
Rules of Conduct for Our Library Patrons

Sorry, Doug, but I am tempted to crack wise here.
*La Crosse Public Library
*Lester Public Library, Two Rivers
Disruptive or Unacceptable Behaviors
Madison Public Library
Behavior Policy
Selling, soliciting, surveying, distributing written materials, panhandling or canvassing for any political, charitable or religious purposes inside a library building, doorway or vestibule without prior authorization of the Library Director or designee.
Manitowoc Public Library
Petitions & Solicitations Policy
*Marathon County Public Library
Behavior in the Library Policy
Selling, soliciting, surveying, distributing written materials, panhandling or canvassing for any political, charitable or religious purposes inside a library building, doorway or vestibule without prior authorization of the Library Director or designee.
Menominee Tribal/County Library
Rules of Conduct Policy
8. Taking surveys, circulating petitions, distributing leaflets, and other similar activities are permitted in the Library only when authorized by the Library Administration.
*Mead Public Library, Sheboygan
Code of Conduct
Public libraries are public forums for the receipt of information. No member of the public shall take any action calculated to prevent or dissuade another member of the public from seeking and receiving information in the library. Nothing in this Code of Conduct is intended to prohibit peaceful petitioning, picketing, and distribution of handbills by the public on the public property surrounding the library building. Such activities should occur in those areas beyond the canopy at the Main Entrance so as to avoid interfering with members of the public entering or exiting the building.
Middleton Public Library
Appropriate Library Behavior Policy
II. E. Canvassing -- for example, soliciting signatures for a petition, nomination papers, and the like -- is not allowed on library property.
Monona Public Library
Guidelines for Using the Library (That #3 has a familiar ring to it.)
Racine Public Library
Policy on Patron Behavior
Again Southeast Wisconsin, I'm not sure what you mean here.
Reedsburg Public Library
Appropriate Library Behavior Policy
Canvassing for petitions, nomination papers or other purposes or soliciting or surveying not authorized by the Library.
*River Falls Public Library
Rules Governing the Use of the Library
Waukesha Public Library
Code of Conduct
Petitioning in areas other than outside the building. Impeding ingress to or egress from the library by customers..
Waupaca Area Public Library
Public Rules of Conduct Policy
Taking surveys, circulating petitions, and similar activities are permitted in the Library
only when authorized by the Library Administration.
Whitefish Bay Public Library
Rules of Conduct
Campaigning, petitioning, soliciting or sale of products or services, unless they are part of a library sponsored event
*Wisconsin Rapids, McMillan Memorial Library
Rules of Conduct
Taking surveys, asking people to sign petitions, distributing leaflets, and other
similar activities are permitted on Library property only when authorized by the
Library Administration.
It would be interesting to know how those libraries with an "exception clause" -- such as "as authorized by the Library Director" -- would respond to a request to solicit signatures for a recall petition in the library.
After this information overload, we need a little music break.
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