Saturday, January 12, 2013

Bexar County's Incomplete Public Library

South Side leaders embrace bookless library proposal. (, 1/11/2013)

Excerpt: The county has no library system, and Wolff acknowledged the start-up costs haven't all been calculated, but he's counting on private-sector donations to support the endeavor.

According to a January 11th news release issued by the Bexar County Commissioners Court, ... residents with their own e-readers or tablets would be able to access the collection remotely once they have a library ID. The location also will have study spaces, meeting rooms and a designated interactive children’s area. The center will be open 7 days a week. Eventually, Judge Wolff would like to see the BiblioTech concept expanded to other areas of unincorporated Bexar County.

Wolff notes, perhaps spoon-fed by BiblioTech, that the bookless library concept is taking hold in academia.

A bookless library is likely to have broad appeal.

It's clear where to place Bexar County on this graph.

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