Tuesday, July 16, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Wisconsin dairy farmers risk their livelihoods by voting for Trump in 2024

Photo by Retiring Guy

From 2020 article:
Reliable numbers on immigrants working in the dairy industry are hard to come by. The best known Wisconsin survey, taken more than a decade ago, estimated the hired immigrant workforce at more than 40% of the total. The best known national survey, taken five years ago for the National Milk Producers Federation, estimated it at 51%. 
Talk to workers in Wisconsin, and they express little doubt immigrants account for a larger portion of the dairy industry workforce today. And they don't just work on the biggest farms, but also on operations that grew their herd beyond what a family can handle.
From 2024 article:
The threat of mass deportations rattles Wisconsin's dairy industry. By some estimates, immigrants provide around 80% of the labor on large dairy operations, and many of those workers are in the U.S. illegally. Without them, some farms milking cows day and night,  
"The industry wouldn't exist without immigrants," said John Rosenow, a Buffalo County dairy farmer who has spent years urging the federal government, under Democrat and Republican administrations, to create a legal pathway for dairy farms to hire help from outside the United States. [emphasis added]

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