Wednesday, December 23, 2020

GET ME REWRITE: New York Times reporters practice shoehorn journalism


Excerpt from New York Times article cited below.

So what happened here?  

Apparently, reporters Elaina Plott and Jeremy W. Peters creamed their jeans after finding a suburban woman who supports Trump and then proceeded to shoehorn overly broad generalizations into their reportage, as summed up in the headline below.  

Is this what they teach in journalism school nowadays?

Original 12/22/2020 post, "GET ME REWRITE:  Sorry, New York Times, you got it wrong; In Upper Arlington, Ohio, long lines were not good news for the president", starts here.

New York Times 11/3/2020

Published before the election.  Dateline:  Upper Arlington, OH
But Mr. Trump won, barely, Ms. Mislan’s precinct in 2016. His support there may not have mattered so much then, when he won Ohio handily, but with the state now a toss-up, his margins in well-heeled neighborhoods like hers — small Republican islands in large suburban counties that have been trending Democratic — may be critical.

Coupla things. 

1.  The Ohio 2020 presidential polling was a mess.  on the eve of the elction, Trump's average was 1 percentage point higher than Biden's.  (47.3% vs. 46.3%).  Trump won the state by 8.2 percentage points.

2.  In answer to Trump's plea, "Will you please like me?", most suburban women answered with a resounding 'NO!'. 

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