Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Monona, Wisconsin: Where the sidewalk discussion ends.

Start your count of the miles of sidewalk here.

Improvements for bicyclists and walkers spark controversy in sidewalk-averse Monona.  (Wisconsin State Journal, 8/12/2019)
Still, some of the plan’s projects, if ultimately approved, would represent a significant change in a community in which sidewalks only exist on one or both sides of 13.3 out of 44.3 miles of street — not including the Beltline, which is not open to pedestrians anyway. 
“It’s a huge deal and there’s arguments going both ways,” said PJ DeCamp, who moved to Monona about a year ago from Chicago and has been watching the debate play out among residents in an online forum. 
“By no means are we putting sidewalks in all over Monona,” O’Connor said, and the proposed plan is “not a mandate for anything.”

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