Friday, September 10, 2010

The Bad Manager Checklist

Link to September 6 BNET "Corner Office" post by Steve Tobak, "7 signs you may be a bad manager".

The list (with library specifics added).

1.  Your group (department staff/library staff) is underperforming.

2.  Your manager (library director/library board) is turning up the heat.

3.  Allies (library colleagues/other library directors in your system or consortium) are distancing themselves from you.

4.  You're behaving like more of a jerk than usual.  (Tobak shows no mercy.)

5.  Your decision-making is compromised.

6.  Your personal relationships suck.  (In other words, it's bad all over.)

7.  Your employees are miserable.  (And, consequently, are providing crummy public service.)

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