Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Scott Walker won't make Mexico pay for his health care plan

Hey, neighbors, you're off the hook on this one.

Scott Walker unveils health care plan, emphasizing Obamacare repeal. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/18/2015)

A desperate measure for a sagging campaign.
Walker's plan does not include cost figures or an estimate of the number of people who would be covered, making it nearly impossible to compare with current law. For the period from April to June of this year, 11.4% of U.S. adults were uninsured, which translates to about 16 million people gaining coverage since the rollout of Obama's health care law in 2013.

Walker said the plan would be paid for by eliminating $1 trillion in taxes that are levied under the current law and by making other changes to Medicaid and how health insurance is taxed.

A five-part plan. 

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