Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Scott Walker Seems to be Tap-Dancing as Fast as He Can

Scott Walker addresses gay marriage ... or does he? (Capital Times, 3/19/2013)

Scott Walker, meet Libertarian David Boaz.

Privatize Marriage:  A simple solution to the gay-marriage debate. (Slate,4/25/1997)

Excerpt: In the debate over whether to legalize gay marriage, both sides are missing the point. Why should the government be in the business of decreeing who can and cannot be married? Proponents of gay marriage see it as a civil-rights issue. Opponents see it as another example of minority "rights" being imposed on the majority culture. But why should anyone have--or need to have--state sanction for a private relationship? As governments around the world contemplate the privatization of everything from electricity to Social Security, why not privatize that most personal and intimate of institutions, marriage?

And liberal pundit, commentator, and journalist Michael Kinsgley.

Abolish Marriage;  Let's really get the government out of our bedrooms. (Slate, 7/3/2003)

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