Link to December 28 Open Forum post, "10 Books You Should Read, Say Entrepreneurs and Business Owners".
Excerpt: To be eligible, books had to be (1) relevant to small business personnel; and (2) newly released during 2009. That excluded older business classics, no matter how good they are! It also excluded books that focus primarily on “big business,” economics or Wall Street/investing – as those topics would not be as much practical help to the entrepreneur faced with starting or operating a small business.
Listed in alphabetical order.
Awesomely Simple: Essential Business Strategies for Turning Ideas Into Action by John Spence.
BAM: Delivering Customer Service in a Self-Service World by Barry Moltz and Mary Jane Grinstead.
Career Renegade by Jonathan Fields.
The Constant Contact Guide to Email Marketing by Eric Groves.
Crush It! Why NOW is the Time to Cash in on your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuk.
Escape from Cubicle Nation by Pamela Slim.
Immigrant, Inc.: Why Immigrant Entrepreneurs are Driving the New Economy by Richard Herman and Robert Smith.
The New Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web by Tamar Weinberg.
The Sassy Ladies Toolkit for Startup Business by Michelle Girasole, Wendy Hanson, and Miriam Perry.
Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith.
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