9/1/2019 update, "CAFOs, CAFOS, and more CAFOs", starts here.
Source: Wisconsin DNR
Reported in County official ask for state help to protect water. (Kewaunee County Comet, 8/30/2019)
The DNR approved permits for 9 CAFOs in less than a year, from December 2017 to September 2018, Four of them in one month.
The legacy of Scott Walker's chamber of commerce mentality
At 342 square miles, Kewaunee County is Wisconsin's 7th smallest. With a population of 20,574, the county has way more cows than people.
8/10/2019 update, "The Wisconsin DNR slash and burn", starts here.
4/22/2019 update, "Little to no review, lax enforcement, more contaminated groundwater", starts here.
Under a 1984 state water-protection law and more recent statutes, it can take more than a decade for state agencies, the governor and the Legislature to create enforceable limits for hazardous pesticides and industrial contaminants in groundwater, which is the state’s main source of drinking water.
During Walker’s administration, the process ground to a halt for several years as the governor’s appointees withheld approval to trigger the extensive toxicological review of new contaminants that is among the first steps toward controlling them, the regulators with the state Department of Natural Resources said.

1/4/2019 update, " The chickens come home to roost", starts here.
Dear Southwest Wisconsin residents, Be thankful Scott Walker is no longer our governor. Kewaunee County residents have complained about contamination for at least a decade. After years of pressure from residents and the federal government, Walker in February [2018, his 8th year in office, desperate for a third term] approved an administrative rule with stricter standards for disposal of manure in 15 eastern Wisconsin counties.
The rule officially took effect July 1. However, the state hasn’t funded DNR enforcement of the new manure limits, and the state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection hasn’t taken initial steps in setting technical standards it says are required for implementation. [emphasis added]
Original 12/17/post starts here.
Original 12/16/2018 post, "Perhaps Donald Trump wants Scott Walker for the same reason Walker wanted Ms. Stepp", starts here.
Joke of a headline from Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. (12/15/2018)
Wisconsin State Journal, (12/30/2010)
More on Scott Walker's legacy:
December 2018
The first 3 chapters: environment, transportation, corrections. (12/12/2018)
Chapter 4: Wisconsin families can't afford basic necessities edition. (12/12/2018)
Chapter 5: Scott Walker's shameful legacy: The black-white high-school graduation gap edition. (12/12/2018)
Chapter 6. Scott Walker's shameful legacy (the higher education edition). (12/13/2018)
January 2019
Taking credit where no credit is due. (1/7/2019)
Not telling the whole story. (1/7/2019)
Gliding over the disparities. (1/7/2019)
Voter suppression. (1/7/2019)
Teacher bashing compounded by cuts to education. (1/8/2019)
Just fine and dandy with treading water over high school graduation rates. (1/8/2019)
And then, to make matters worse, he apparently hacks his son's Twitter account. (1/9/2019)
Dear Scott Walker, You forgot to mention this part of "OUR LEGACY". Best, Retiring Guy. (1/12/2019)
Scott Walker's toxic legacy: "Power to the people" hypocrisy" (Taking away local control). (1/12/2019)
Pay to play the groundwater contamination way. (1/12/2019)
Addicted to political slogans. (1/12/2019)
Blaming his predecessor. (1/19/2019)
Fast-tracking bills, stifling public participation. (1/23/2019)
February 2019
UW Regents as campaign donors' club. (2/8/2019)
Act 10, not working. (2/15/2019)
Scott Walker environmental legacy UPDATE: Little to no review, lax enforcement, more contaminated groundwater. (4/22/2019)
April 2019
Frac sand nightmare. (4/25/2019)
Chapter 6 UPDATE. State Higher Education Executives Officers Association confirms Scott Walker's shameful higher education legacy. (4/26/2019)
"We're # 1" Walker: the 30 billion pound milkman. (4/27/2019)
May 2019
The piggy bank otherwise known as WEDC. (5/14/2019)
Giving children with complex mental health needs the shaft edition). (5/17/2019)
June 2019
Scott Walker's legacy UPDATE: Achieves jobs creation pledge in 8 years instead of 4. (6/8/2019)
Heartless bastard. (6/14/2019)
Scott Walker's legacy UPDATE: The Lincoln Hills/Copper Lake youth prison scandal. (6/21/2019)
The Foxconn environmental review skate. (7/21/2019)
September 2019
Act 10 puts rural school districts in an even deeper hole. (9/3/2019)
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