Thursday, March 17, 2016

Dear Ron Johnson, We have a great candidate running for the Supreme Court. Her name is Joanne Kloppenburg.

As quoted in Sen. Ron Johnson: Smear job on Rebecca Bradley part of ‘nasty, vicious’ time in politics.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/17/2016)

In your last year of service in the U.S. Senate, the big question making the rounds is.... the hell did you ever get elected in the first place?

The 'goodness' of Rebecca Bradley.
Angry then, angry now.  (3/12/2016)
Dear Chris, All of us lose if Rebecca Bradley is elected to a 10-year term on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.  (3/11/2016)
Dear Rebecca Bradley, First of all, you are not serving the people of Wisconsin; you are serving your corporate masters.  (3/11/2016)
When Rebecca Bradley wasn't having very healthy heterosexual sex in a loving marital relationship.  (3/11/2016)
Dear Rebecca Bradley, What are your current thoughts on the feminist movement?  (3/9/2016)
Dear Christian Schneider, I hope you can read lips.  (3/8/2016)
Dear Scott Walker, Rebecca Bradley, your 3-time appointee, wrote at least 3 columns.  (3/7/2016)
Dear Rebecca Bradley, Please tell us how these comments faded from your worldview.  (3/7/2016)

A fuller list of related posts is found here.

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