Friday, April 1, 2022

Rick Scott. Acting like U.S. Grant or U.S. Ghoul. You make the call.


Rick Scott:  Yet another gag gift from Florida.

Headline from AP, 4/1/2022
The 69-year-old former businessman likens his situation to that of Grant during the battle of Vicksburg, when the general ordered multiple bloody assaults on the Southern stronghold before delivering a victory that helped turn the war in the Union’s favor. 
“I think of myself more like Grant taking Vicksburg, and I think as a result of that, I’m always going to be perceived as an outsider,” Scott said in an interview. “I’m going to keep doing what I believe in whether everybody agrees with me or not.” 
For now, what Scott believes is directly at odds with the wishes of Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell.
Keep on chooglin', Rick!

Original 3/9/2022 post, "Ghoulish Rick Scott and the creepy Republican Party don't give a shit about you", starts here.

Then late last month came what might have been the worst policy gaffe in recent political history: Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) rolled out a plan to raise taxes on 100 million Americans and to let Social Security and Medicare expire in five years. Furthermore, he apparently aims to ban abortion nationwide and dictate what every school teaches students about race. (Why else put these items in an 11-point plan for the Senate?) He managed to combine the worst Republican economic ideas with the most abusive designs for government overreach.  [emphasis added]

Rick Scott is one of the reasons why Carl Hiaasen doesn't have to make stuff up in his fiction.  The crazy is all right there on full display in the Sunshine State every single day.

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So what did Florida voters do next?  They elected Scott to the U.S. Senate!

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