Wednesday, March 9, 2022

GET ME REWRITE: Ileana Garcia energetically jumps onto the homophobic, Don't Say Gay bandwagon in Florida


Masked up 
in the service of 
Donald Trump

Garcia is the founder of Latinas for Trump.

Other supporters got more personal about LBGTQ issues, with Miami-Dade Republican Sen. Ileana Garcia sharing about a family member who was transgender, insisting that “gay is not a permanent thing, LGBT is not a permanent thing.” 
“This isn’t at all about targeting. I think this is about perhaps rerouting responsibilities back to the parents,” Garcia said.

Original 1/17/2022 post, "Today's Florida clown show parade marshal", states here.

Florida Politics, 1/17/2022
Not only should critical race theory be banned in Florida public schools, but racism against African Americans is no longer an issue in the United States because Barack Obama was elected President and served two full terms, according to Sen. Ileana Garcia. 
In an interview that aired one day before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Garcia told CBS 4 Miami investigative reporter Jim DeFede she believes the Black experience in America is “not at all” different from that of White people. [emphasis added]


But wait, there's more!

Florida Politics, 1/17/2022

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