Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Donald Trump on Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: "You just tell them and they believe you".

Source:  The White House

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class.  (NPR, 12/19/2017)
The Republican tax bill, which Congress sent to President Trump on Wednesday, would give most Americans a tax cut next year, according to a new analysis. However, it would by far benefit the richest Americans the most. Meanwhile, many lower- and middle-class Americans would have higher taxes a decade from now ... unless a future Congress extends the cuts. [emphasis added]

Text boxes, arrows, and borders added

Related Tax Cuts and Jobs Act posts:
UPDATE: Orrin Hatch grateful for the "great Christmas honor" of being called out for his "utter lack of integrity".  (12/26/2017)
Presdient Trump:  Only in it for the money.  (12/8/2017)
Plutocracy gone wild at SwampFest: GOP expects Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will seal the deal for midterm elections.  (12/2/2017)
It's called hypocrisy, h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y.  (12/1/2017)
Please tell me again how thte cynically named Tax Cuts and Jobs Act helps the middle class.  (11/30/2017)
Racial and ethnic makeup of the 115th Congress.  (11/30/2017)
Plutocracy in action: Donald Trump's America First tax cuts line the pockets of foreign investors with $520,000,000,000.  (11/30/2017)
Donald Trump's pants on fire.  (9/29/2017)

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