Friday, September 6, 2024

Trump's cognitive decline: And the gibberish just keeps on comin'

As quoted in
Newsweek, 9/6/2024

"They have a tremendous military power...."

How stupid and ill-informed is Donald Trump?  Very!

Reuters, 12/30/2023
The purges are a setback for Xi who has pumped billions into buying and developing equipment as part of his modernising efforts to build a "world-class" military by 2050, with Beijing's outsized defence budget growing at a faster pace than the economy for some years. 
The recent downfall of generals and military equipment suppliers, however, has punctured some of this aura, and raised questions over whether there has been adequate oversight over these massive military investments as China vies with the United States in key areas, including Taiwan and the South China Sea.

Related posts:
September 2024
Donald Trump's cognitive decline:  It's no WEAVE, folks, it's just plain WEIRD!  And very concerning.

July-August 2024
Meet Donald Trump, "colossal moron" (taxes and tariffs edition).  (8/19)
Donald Trump:  "Losing his marbles" and in need of help. (8/8)

January-June 2024

Keeping tabs on authors in LINKcat: Helen E. Fisher


New York Times, 8/30/2024
Dr. Fisher had already been studying sexual behavior for more than 20 years, but she believed that there was an undiscovered scientific basis for love, an intense, often irrational, human mating drive. 
“People have resisted thinking that romantic love actually is a brain system,” she said on the NPR program “TED Radio Hour” in 2014. “They’re scared that it will break the magic. They want romantic love to be part of the supernatural.” She added: “Why do we want to feel that it’s supernatural? ’Cause it feels so good.” 
She and two collaborators used magnetic resonance scanners to detect increases and decreases in blood flow — indications of neural activity — in the brains of 17 college students in the throes of new love. Their research confirmed for the first time that love is hard-wired in the brain.

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Missouri GOP values on full display in rural areas of state

HeadlineKansas City Star,  7/1/2022

As quoted in
New York Times, 9/4/2024

GET ME REWRITE: JD Vance fully embraces USA gun crazy rhetoric

Top headline:  Associated Press, 9/5/2024
Bottom headline:  Scientific American, 10/1/2017

JD as quoted in AP article.

Other Vance posts:
September 2024

August 2024
The weirdness continues:  JD Vance proposes using a 1928 work of fiction with an 1863 storyline as a template for mass deportation.  (8/17)
GET A ROOM!  (8/15)

July 2024
NOW IT CAN BE TOLD!!!  J. D. Vance's love affair with Alex Jones.  (7/21)

U.S. 40 Cross Section of the United States of America (Chapter 21: Wheeling)

That was then (1953).  Looking to the west.

Intro to chapter 21:
Looking out across the rooftops of Wheeling, West Virginia, the observer stands on the hillside about a thousand feet above sea level, and about 400 feet above the main channel of the Ohio River, its glassy surface unruffled by either wind or current.
This is now.   Looking north.

When author George R. Stewart drove through Wheeling in the early 1950s, the city's population was already in decline from its 1930 peak of 61,689.  Since 1930, Wheeling's population has dropped 57%, and the city now has fewer residents than it did in the 1870s.

Wheeling is located 58 miles west of Pittsburgh.
Photo by Retiring Guy: 1952 Rand McNally Road Atlas (arrow added)

Related post:
Chapter 1:  Beginnings.  (7/19/2024)
Chapter 2:  Coastal Plain.  (7/20/2024)
Chapter 5.  Six-Lane Highway.  (8/4/2024)
Chapter 6.  Bush River.  (8/5/2024)
Chapter 7:  Baltimore rows.  (8/6/2024)
Chapter 8:  Ellicott City.  (8/7/2024)
Chapter 9.  Frederick.  (8/8/2024)
Chapter 11.  Horrible example.  (8/16/2024)
Chapter 12.  Mount Prospect.  (8/17/2024)
Chapter 13:  Ridge and Valley.  (8/18/2024)
Chapter 14:  The Narrows.  (8/19/2024)
Chapter 15:  From Little Savage Mountain.  (8/27/2024)
Chapter 16:  Mason-Dixon Line.  (8/28/2024)
Chapter 17:  Fort Necessity (8/29/2024)
Chapter 18:  Braddock's Grave, (8/30/2024)
Chapter 19:  Toll House.  (9/2/2024)
Chapter 20.  Coal Mine.  (9/5/2024)

Gwen from Ozaukee County agrees. Glenn Grothman is an embarrassment to Wisconsin

HeadlineOzaukee County News Graphic, 9/5/2024
It was so exciting to hear that attorney John Zarbano will be running against Congressman Glenn Grothman in the upcoming election. John will finally represent the values and principles of those of us living in the 6th Congressional District. Glenn has run unopposed for far too long and has been an embarrassment to Wisconsin. I urge you to please get out and vote John Zarbano for Congress. Thank you!

Ozaukee County is slowly losing patience with the GOP.

More than a decade of inanities 

His brain as immovable as a boulder, Glenn Grothman confesses hes stuck in the past when it comes to same-sex marriage.  (12/22/2022)
After January 6, 2021, GOP shows off its 'soft on crime' side (Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin edition).  (10/12/2022)

Ripon newspapers calls out Wisconsin Embarrassment Glenn Grothman.  (8/24/2021)

Might hurt in the short term? Wisconsin has led the U.S. in farm bankruptcies three years running.  (9/3)
Ripon Commonwealth Press editorial writer tells us what we already know about Glenn Grothman.  (8/29)
Government welfare for me but not for thee (the updated edition).  (8/19)
"We're all minorities in America".  (7/22)
How hard up do you have to be to ask Glenn Grothman to be your commencement speaker? (5/22)
Glenn Grothman falls on his knees after Trump State of the Union bloviating.  (2/7)
Trump fanboy Glenn Grothman pimps for Mexico border wall.  (1/25)
Meet the 7 House critters who voted against back pay for federal workers.  (1/13)
Glenn Grothman starts the 116th Congress where he left off in the 115th: Enhancing his clown bona fides.  (1/5)
Back in the news with more inanities.  (1/4)

July-Dec 2018
Glenn Grothman, dedicated follower of political fashion, fills us in.  (11/10)
"Good guy' Greg Gianforte sends Glenn Grothman a check.  (11/2)
When you know you're at the bottom of the GOP food chain: Eric Trump headlines Glenn Grothman rally.  (10/31)
Stamp to a letter, birds of a feather clown show: Gushing over Greg Gianforte, both Donald Trump and Glenn Grothman say "that's my kind of guy".  (10/19)
As the election approaches, Glenn Grothman's babbling intensifies.  (10/6)
Dear voters of Wisconsin's 6th congressional district, this gibberish should convince you this clown should be kicked out of office.  (9/27)
Get me rewrite. More than just tweets: Everything about Trump encourages Democrats and independents to sweep gomers like Glenn Grothman out of office.  (8/9)
Dear Glenn Grothman, Repeat after me: YALTA.  (7/23)
Dear Glenn Grothman, Does this mean you don't support Donald Trump's military parade?  (7/19)

Jan-Jun 2018
Could we please, please, get rid of this clown?  (6/21)
Glenn Grothman in so many words:  The ruination of America is people with darker skin tones.  (1/27)
Glenn Grothman shares etiquette advice on KFIZ.  (1/19)
Memo to Glenn Grothman: Next time you see Donald Trump, give him a great big kiss, mwah!  (1/18)
UPDATE: The demented clown, otherwise known as Glenn Grothman, returns to the topic of Al Sharpton at MLK event.  (1/18)
Newspaper editorial calls out Glenn Grothman for his (a) mispresentation or (b) lie.  (1/11) 
Glenn Grothman cries on the shoulder of his favorite KFIZ deejay. (1/9)

Jul-Dec 2017
Our resident clown Glenn Grothman tells just half of the story.  (12/24)
Like Vermin Supreme, Glenn Grothman believes that there should be free ponies for all Americans.  (12/15)
A letter sent without fear of retribution.  (12/3)
The insightful Glenn Grothman was talking to a gal.  (11/22)
Dear Dan Kohl, If you substitute 'clownish' for 'partisan', the arrow moves hard right.  (11/9)
The malevolent conservatism and clownish inhumanity of Glenn Grothman.  (10/25)
Glenn Grothman sets a ridiculously low bar regarding hurricane aid to Puerto Rico.  (10/24)
Glenn Grothman demands that a border wall be built.  (8/31)
Here's something on which Glenn Grothman and I agree.  (8/10)
Glenn Grothman wants us all to die.  Or not to fly.  (7/20)
Short-term memory loss and The Glenn Grothman 24/7 Clown Show.  (7/15) 
Steady drip-drip-drip inside Glenn Grothman's head vs. steady drip-drip-drip of evidence Russian collusion.  (7/13)

Apr-Jun 2017
Glenn Grothman gives a big thumbs up to Pennsylvania's congressional districts.  (6/22)
Glenn Grothman on the Paris Accord:  The blithering goes on.  (6/7)
Dear Glenn Grothman, Not that anyone is listening to you.  (6/5)
Oh, yeah, I just bet he does.   (6/1)
It's bromance time for Glenn Grothman, sez Greg Gianforte seems like a good guy.  (5/26/2017)
At Glenn Grothman's groan-inducing town hall.  (5/2)
51 U.S. House members implore Trump to legalize LGBT discrimination.  (4/27)
At KFIZ, everybody loves a clown.  (4/17)
Wishful thinking: Glenn Grothman does a little Mick Jagger at the podium during Sheboygan listening session.  (4/11/.

Jan-Mar 2017
What DO they think of Glenn Grothman on Capitol Hill?  (1/31/2017)
Not a Muslim ban, Glenn Grothman? The numbers indicate otherwise.  (1/31/2017)
Glenn also loves to run into the reassuring arms of Vicki McKenna; she normalizes his nuttiness.  (3/28)

The conservative values of Glenn Grothman, straight shooter and exemplary public servant.  (10/30)
GOP donor and Neenah realtor pens letter to editor, praises Glenn Grothman.  (10/28)
Well, Glenn Grothman, looks as though Donald Trump and Paul Ryan won't accompany Mr. Gumpy on his outing.  (10/20)
Meet the 3 Stooges who introduced Donald Trump at yesterday's rally in Green Bay.  (10/18)
Likely to be other reasons why Trump and Glenn Grothman's relationship might be "less than perfect".  (10/13)
Glenn Grothman raises GOP specter of black bogeyman Al Sharpton.  (7/14)
Recommended reading from Glenn Grothman.  (3/3)
Once again, Grothman does the blah blah blah.  (1/13)

Tea Party alert: Glenn Grothman supports increase in federal gas tax.  (12/29)
Glenn Grothman's moving service.  (11/16/2015)
Glenn Grothman: Still trying to get to 'yes' with Paul Ryan.  (10/18/2015) 
Dear Glenn Grothman, Breaking up is hard to do.  (10/17/2015) 
He's a guy, and has access to 'all machines that one would need'.  (9/29/2015) 
Meet the Members of the Republican Study Committee: Glenn Grothman (R-WI, 6th District).  (8/18/2015)
What about seeing the light, Representative Grothman?  (8/11/2015)
Glenn Grothman's gibberish in full flower.  (7/1/2015)
Rep. Glenn Grothman puts corporate personhood first.  (6/23/2015)
Glenn Grothman Finds His Voice in Washington, D.C. (6/19/2015)
Glenn Grothman goes seriously bland on us.  (5/12/2015)
Glenn Grothman's lips are zipped.  (4/9/2015)
Glenn Grothman Speaks the Language of the Godfather of states' rights.  (1/13/2015)

Glenn Grothman, Quiet Man.  (10/12/2014)
Tom Petri returns the favor to Glenn Grothman.  (9/5/2014)
Wisconsin's 6th Congressional District primary: Less than 12% of voters paid attention.  (8/24/2014)
Hey guys and gals, Scott Walker is not 100% convinced that Glenn Grothman can win the 6th CD. (8/23/2014)
Career politician Glenn Grothman moves one step closer to Wisconsin's 6th Congressional District general election.  (8/22/2014)
To the tune of $692,000.   (8/14/2014)