Monday, September 2, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: "Poppin' Fresh" Pretzel Man Donald Trump contorts himself on abortion in search of political gain

Headline:  New York Times

Changing colors with the political season
At the age of 53, in a 1999 interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Donald J. Trump described himself as “very pro-choice.” 
In 2011, without any explanation about the change, he informed a packed room at a conservative conference that he was now “pro-life.” 
In 2016, as a Republican candidate for president, he told the MSNBC host Chris Matthews that he had become so ardently opposed to abortion rights that he would even support punishments for women who got abortions. He did not realize that this position went too far even for the social conservatives to whom he was trying to pander, and he quickly reversed himself. 
The 2024 version of Mr. Trump is once again tying himself in knots — but this time the stakes could not be higher.

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