Saturday, April 27, 2019

Scott Walker: Desperately seeking relevance


Related posts:
Remember that Tax Cuts and Jobs Act promise? (7/21/2018)
Paul Ryan celebrates secretary's 3.75 cents an hour raise.  (2/4/2018)
Blowhard-in-charge UPDATE. Get ready for some major BS in tonight's State of the Union address (The Bank of America $1000 bonus edition).  (1/30/2018) 
Blowhard-in-charge UPDATE. Get ready for some major BS in tonight's State of the Union address (The AT&T $1000 bonus edition).  (1/30/2018)
Blowhard-in-charge UPDATE. Get ready for some major BS in tonight's State of the Union address (The Sinclair Broadcasting $1000 bonus edition).  (1/30/2018)
Blowhard-in-charge UPDATE. Get ready for some major BS in tonight's State of the Union address (The American Family Insurance bonus edition).  (1/30/2018)
GET ME REWRITE. As you may know, several companies who pay their top executives millions of dollars have made ongoing cuts to their work force since before passage of Tax Cuts for the Rich Act. Knowing this, do you feel more or less favorable towards Republicans in Congress, who most likely received campaign contributions from these bottom-line fat cats?  (1/20/2018)
Newspaper editorial calls out Glenn Grothman for his (a) mispresentation or (b) lie.  (1/11/2018)

Juxtaposed headlines tell doubly troubling story.  (12/29/2017)
Donald Trump on Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: "You just tell them and they believe you".  (12/27/2017)
UPDATE: Orrin Hatch grateful for the "great Christmas honor" of being called out for his "utter lack of integrity".  (12/26/2017)
Presdient Trump:  Only in it for the money.  (12/8/2017)
Plutocracy gone wild at SwampFest: GOP expects Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will seal the deal for midterm elections.  (12/2/2017)
It's called hypocrisy, h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y.  (12/1/2017)
Please tell me again how thte cynically named Tax Cuts and Jobs Act helps the middle class.  (11/30/2017)
Racial and ethnic makeup of the 115th Congress.  (11/30/2017)
Plutocracy in action: Donald Trump's America First tax cuts line the pockets of foreign investors with $520,000,000,000.  (11/30/2017)
Donald Trump's pants on fire.  (9/29/2017)

Related tax cuts and bonuses and whatnot posts:
Home Depot.  (3/9/2018)
BMO Harris.  (1/31/2018)
American Family Insurance.  (1/26/2017)
Sinclair Broadcasting.  (12/25/2017
AT&T.  (12/24/2017) 
Bank of America (12/22/2017)

The destructive legacy of Governor Scott "We're # 1" Walker: the 30 billion pound milkman

Reported in Stung by Trump’s Trade Wars, Wisconsin’s Milk Farmers Face ExtinctionThe flagship industry in a pivotal swing state faces an economic crisis.  (The New York Times, 4/26/2019)

Top 10 milk producers

Source:  USDA

More on Scott Walker's legacy:
December 2018
The first 3 chapters:  environment, transportation, corrections. (12/12/2018)
Chapter 4:  Wisconsin families can't afford basic necessities edition.  (12/12/2018)
Chapter 5:  Scott Walker's shameful legacy: The black-white high-school graduation gap edition.  (12/12/2018)
Chapter 6. Scott Walker's shameful legacy (the higher education edition).  (12/13/2018)

January 2019
Taking credit where no credit is due.  (1/7/2019)
Not telling the whole story.  (1/7/2019)
Gliding over the disparities.  (1/7/2019)
Voter suppression.  (1/7/2019)
Teacher bashing compounded by cuts to education.  (1/8/2019)
Just fine and dandy with treading water over high school graduation rates.  (1/8/2019)
And then, to make matters worse, he apparently hacks his son's Twitter account.  (1/9/2019)
Dear Scott Walker, You forgot to mention this part of "OUR LEGACY".  Best, Retiring Guy.  (1/12/2019)
Scott Walker's toxic legacy: "Power to the people" hypocrisy" (Taking away local control).  (1/12/2019)
Pay to play the groundwater contamination way.  (1/12/2019)
Addicted to political slogans.  (1/12/2019)
The Lincoln Hills/Copper Lake youth prison scandal.  (1/16/2019)
Job creation and broken promises, Foxconn and in general.  (1/19/2019)
Blaming his predecessor.  (1/19/2019)
Fast-tracking bills, stifling public participation.  (1/23/2019)

February 2019
UW Regents as campaign donors' club.  (2/8/2019)
Act 10, not working. (2/15/2019)
Scott Walker environmental legacy UPDATE: Little to no review, lax enforcement, more contaminated groundwater.  (4/22/2019)

April 2019
Frac sand nightmare.  (4/25/2019)
Chapter 6 UPDATE.  State Higher Education Executives Officers Association confirms Scott Walker's shameful higher education legacy. (4/26/2019)

Dorothy Stites Lauffenburger Hyde (1924-2019) Warren High School class of 1943

1943 Dragon yearbook

Dorothy's high-school activities:
Bookkeeping Club (2); Carinval (4); Junior Shortland Club (3); Science Club (4); Stenographers' Club (3).
1967 Warren City Directory
  • Lauffenburger Dorothy Mrs r734 Cobham Park rd (shown below)
  • Lauffenburger W E emp Sylvania r734 Cobham Park rd
  • Stites Edw (F Gertrude) atndt Warren State Hospital h19 Plum
 1983 Warren City Directory
  • Stites Edw retd h19 Plum St

The popularity of Dorothy is graphed here.  Let's take a look at son Ward.

Ward was a steady, clearly unspectacular, if slowly declining performer into the early 1960s  He peaked early in the 20th century -- at #281 in 1902.  A boost from #589 in 1957 to #495 to 1958 can be attributed to this popular sitcom.

Other members of the class of '43 (14 women, 8 men):
Betty Nelson Casey.  (4/12/2019)
Dorothy Bimber Farrell.  (4/2/2019)
Marguerite Mader Lasher.  (3/20/2019)

Lillian Fish Dunn.  (11/6/2018)
Mary Denardi Walker.  (7/18/2018)
John Imperial.  (4/4/2018)
Francis Pesko.  (2/8/2018)

William Nuhfer.  (10/26/2017)
Martha Rasmussen Lewis.  (6/17/2017)
Gloria York Salapek.  (6/10/2017)
Louis Rizzardi.  (2/11/2017)

Virginia Anderson Thompson.  (10/17/2016)
Pauline Smith VanVolkinburg.  (8/27/2016)
Joyce Anderson Clark.  (8/24/2016)
Robert Johnson.  (3/31/2016)

Goldie Gelotte Hecei. (12/21/2015)
John Swick.  (11/29/2015)
William Weidert.  (10/16/2015)
Maxine Retterer Young.  (8/15/2015)
Donald Conaway, Jr.  (8/13/2015)
Anne Smith Rossey.  (5/8/2015)
Doris Stevenson Barirde.  (3/31/2015)

Mildred Kahle Glotz.  (9/13/2014)
Robert Dietsch.  (9/8/2014)
Anna Mae Olson Howe.  (9/2/2014)
Lois Bogart Niederer.  (5/3/2014)

Verna Mack Swanson.  (12/22/2013)

Population loss in rural Iowa: Greene County

Source:  Wikipedia (Greene County, Jefferson)

Jefferson is the county seat of Greene County.

Related reading:
Iowa State Study Highlights Continuing Rural to Metro Population Change.  (WHO, 4/26/2019)
This week the Senate unanimously approved the Empower Rural Iowa Initiative. The bill provides $25 million in housing tax credits for smaller communities and creates a grant program to expand broadband service in rural Iowa. 
Census data show the help is desperately needed. Over the past decade, most of Iowa's small communities have gotten smaller but the state as a whole has been growing. 
Iowa's population went up 3.6-percent from 2010 to 2018, but a select few counties are seeing most of that growth.

Related posts:
Row 1, west to east
Fremont County/Sidney.  (4/23/2019)
Page County/Clarinda.  (4/23/2019)
Taylor County/Bedford.  (4/23/2019)
Ringgold County/Mount Ayr.  (4/23/2019)
Decatur County/Leon.  (4/24/2019)
Wayne County/Corydon.  (4/24/2019)
Appanoose County/Centerville.  (4/24/2019)
Davis County/Bloomfield.  (4/24/2019)
Van Buren/Keosauqua. (4/24/2019)

Row 2, west to east
Adams County/Corning.  (4/24/2019)
Lucas County/Chariton.  (4/24/2019)
Monroe County/Albia.  (4/25/2019)

Row 3, west to east
Adair County/Greenfield.  (4/25/2019)
Keokuk County/Sigourney.  (4/25/2019)

Row 4, west to east
Audubon County.  (4/26/2019)

Row 5, west to east
Monona County.  (4/27/2019)

Greetings from Trump's America:  Greene County, Iowa,. where the population has dropped by nearly half since 1900  (9/6/2018)

Population loss in rural Iowa: Monona County

Source:  Wikipedia (Monona County, Onawa)

Onawa is the county seat of Monona County.

Related reading:
Northwest Iowa trying to reverse population loss.  (Quad City Times, 6/25/2006)
The problem is most severe in the quadrant west of Interstate 35 and north of Interstate 80. This area includes all eight counties that lost at least 5 percent of their populations between 2000 and 2005: Audubon, Calhoun, Cherokee, Ida, Kossuth, Monona, Pocahontas and Sac.

Related posts:
Row 1, west to east
Fremont County/Sidney.  (4/23/2019)
Page County/Clarinda.  (4/23/2019)
Taylor County/Bedford.  (4/23/2019)
Ringgold County/Mount Ayr.  (4/23/2019)
Decatur County/Leon.  (4/24/2019)
Wayne County/Corydon.  (4/24/2019)
Appanoose County/Centerville.  (4/24/2019)
Davis County/Bloomfield.  (4/24/2019)
Van Buren/Keosauqua. (4/24/2019)

Row 2, west to east
Adams County/Corning.  (4/24/2019)
Lucas County/Chariton.  (4/24/2019)
Monroe County/Albia.  (4/25/2019)

Row 3, west to east
Adair County/Greenfield.  (4/25/2019)
Keokuk County/Sigourney.  (4/25/2019)

Row 4, west to east
Audubon County.  (4/26/2019)

Greetings from Trump's America:  Monona County, Iowa.  (4/27/2019)

Greetings from Trump's America: Monona County, Iowa

Source: Wikipedia

Percentage of population 25 and older with a bachelor's degree:
  • 16.2% -Monona County
  • 27.1% - Iowa
  • 30.9% - U.S.
Percentage of population 65 and older:
  • 24.4% - Monona County
  • 16.7% - Iowa
  • 15.6% - U.S.

3rd-party candidates received 25.8% of vote in 1992, 14.5% of vote in 1996, 4.5% in 2016
(George Wallace received 8.0% of the vote in 1968)

Other Trump's America posts:
Autauga County.  (6/29/2017)
Bibb County.  (11/10/2017)
Covington County. (11/11/2017)
Dale County.  (12/12/2017)
Geneva County.  (11/11/2017)
Marion County.  (11/11/2017)

8th congressional district.  (4/25/2018)

Faulkner County.  (3/20/2018)
Mississippi County.  (3/19/2018)
Woodruff County.  (3/26/2018)

Mesa County.  (7/20/2017)
Shasta County.  (7/4/2017

Morgan County.  (4/25/2017)

Citrus County.  (3/5/2017)
DeSoto County,.  (9/9/2017)
Pinellas County.   (3/14/2019)

Kootenai County.  (9/25/2017)

Effingham County.  (2/15/2018)
Franklin County.  (2/27/2017)
Jo Daviess County.  (5/13/2018)
Knox County.  (5/13/2018)
McHenry County.  (2/5/2017)
Perry County.  (5/8/2017)
Stephenson County.  (5/13/2018)
Whiteside County.  (5/13/2018)
16th Congressional District.  (3/26/2017)

Dearborn County.  (3/16/2019)
Franklin County.  (3/16/2019)
Granger.  (3/26/2017)
Hendricks County.  (10/1/2017)
Howard County.  (3/19/2019)
Huntington County.  (4/27/2017)
Jefferson County.  (3/10/2018)
Madison County.  (3/16/2019)
Posey County.  (10/21/2017)
Scott County,.  (10/21/2017)
Union County.  (3/16/2019)
Vigo County.  (3/15/2019)
Wayne County.  (3/16/2019)

Adair County.  (9/16/2018)
Adams County.  (9/16/2018)
Allamakee County.  (7/31/2018)
Appanoose County.  (8/4/2018)
Audubon County.  (4/26/2019)
Benton County.  (8/2/2018)
Boone County.  (1/15/2017)
Bremer County.  (8/2/2018)
Buchanan County.  (8/2/2018)
Butler County. (8/6/2018)
Calhoun County.  (9/6/2018)
Cass County.  (4/3/2018)
Cedar County.  (7/31/2018)
Cerro Gordo County.  (8/6/2018)
Chickasaw County.  (8/2/2018)
Clarke County.  (8/8/2018)
Clayton County.  (7/31/2018)
Clinton County.   (10/15/2017)
Davis County.  (8/3/2018)
Decatur County.  ( 7/5/2018)
Delaware County.  (7/31/2018)
Des Moines County.  (8/1/2018)
Emmet County.  (8/19/2018)
Fayette County.  (8/2/2018)
Floyd County.  (9/25/2018 update)
Franklin County, (8/14/2017)
Fremont County.  (3/24/2019)
Greene County.  (9/6/2018)
Guthrie County.  (9/16/2018)
Hamilton County.  (4/2/2018)
Hancock County. (8/7/2018)
Hardin County.  (4/2/2018)
Henry County.  (7/9/2018)
Howard County.  (8/2/2018)
Iowa County.  (8/2/2018)
Jasper County.  (8/5/2018)
Jefferson County.  (8/1/2018)
Keokuk County.  (8/2/2018)
Kossuth County.  (8/18/2018)
Lee County.  (8/1/2018)
Louisa County.  (8/1/2018)
Lucas County.  (8/5/2018)
Lyon County.  (4/2/2018)
Madison County.  (8/8/2018)
Marion County.  (5/23/2017)
Mitchell County.  (8/7/2018)
Monticello County.  (1/13/2017)
Muscatine County.  (8/1/2018)
Palo Alto County.  (9/6/2018)
Pocahontas County.  (9/6/2018)
Poweshiek and Webster counties.  (2/7/2017)
Ringgold County.  (8/8/2018)
Sioux County.  (8/26/2018 update)
Tama County.  (7/6/2018)
Taylor County.  (9/16/2018)
Union County.  (9/10/2017)
Van Buren County.  (4/25/2019)
Wapello County.  (8/3/2018)
Washington County.  (4/2/2018)
Wayne County.  (8/5/2018)
Webster County.  (8/9/2018)
Winnebago County. (12/17/2017)
Winneshiek County.  (8/2/2018)
Worth County. (8/7/2018)
Wright County.  (8/8/2017)

Clark County.  (3/21/2017)
Comanche County. (12/22/2018)
Doniphan County.  (3/27/2019)
Mitchell County.  (1/29/2017)
Sumner County.  (10/1/2017)

Bell County.  (6/4/2018)
Hancock County,.  (10/21/2017)
Jackson County.  (12/9/2017)
Knox and Whitley counties.  (2/17/2017)
Lee County.  (12/9/2017)
Letcher County.  (6/29/2017)
Martin County.  (3/22/2018)
Perry County.  (10/10/2017)
Rowan County.  (6/4/2018)

Calcasieu Parish,.  (5/22/2017)
St. Martin Parish.  (4/26/2017)

Piscataquis County.  (7/3/2017)

Lake County.  (9/16/2018)
Macomb County.  (11/29/2017)
Monroe County.  (3/9/2019)
St. Joseph County.  (6/5/2017)

Chisago County.  (6/20/2018)
Itasca County.  (5/12/2018)
Lac qui Parle County.  (7/2/2017)
Mower County.  (5/12/2018)
Nobles County.  (1/26/2018)

Pontotoc County.  (7/19/2017)

Atchison County.  (3/25/2019)
Butler County.  (7/22/2018)
Holt County.  (3/25/2019)
New Madrid County.  (4/23/2019)

Boyd County.  (4/14/2019)
Burt County.  (3/27/2019)
Keya Paha.  (4/14/2019)
Knox County.  (3/28/2019)
Nemaha County.  (3/27/2019)
Richardson County.  (3/27/2019)
Sioux County.  (12/22/2018)

New Jersey
7th Congressional District.  (4/14/2017)

New York
Broome County.  (2/14/2019)
Cayuga County.  (2/13/2019)
Cortland County.  (2/14/2019)
Essex County.  (11/29/2017 update)
Franklin County. (2/9/2019)
Fulton County.  (2/10/2019)
Herkimer County.  (2/10/2019)
Orange County.  (2/15/2019)
Oswego County.  (2/11/2019)
Otsego County.  (2/12/2019)
Putnam County.  (2/27/2018)
Renssalaer County.  (2/13/2019)
St. Lawrrence County.  (2/8/2019)
Seneca County.  (2/14/2019)
Sullivan County.  (2/15/2019)
Warren County.  (2/11/2019)
Washington County.  (2/11/2019)
19th Congressional District.  (3/26/2017)

North Carolina
Robeson County.  (12/1/2017)
Union County.  (3/9/2017)

North Dakota
Sargent County.  (10/22/2017)

Adams County.  (12/9/2017)
Ashtabula County.  (2/18/2019)
Belmont County.  (7/17/2018)
Columbiana County,  (12/11/2017)
Coshocton County. (3/6/2019)
Defiance County.  (3/21/2017)
Erie County.  (3/5/2019)
Gallia County.  (2/23/2019)
Guernsey County.  (2/27/2019)
Highland County.   (3/19/2017)
Huron County.  (6/19/2017)
Jackson County.  (6/6/2017)
Jefferson County.  (2/20/2019)
Lawrence County.  (2/25/2018)
Marion County.  (7/14/2018)
Meigs County.  (2/22/2019)
Morgan County.  (10/10/2017)
Muskingum County.  (2/26/2019)
Ottawa County. (3/5/2019)
Portage County.  (3/7/2019)
Sandusky County.  (3/5/2019)
Shelby County.  (3/2/2018)
Trumbull County.  (4/3/2017)
Van Wert County.  (4/12/2017)
Wayne County.  (5/6/2018)
Williams County.  (3/21/2017)
Wood County.  (3/6/2019)
Wyandot County.  (5/4/2018)

Bryan County.  (5/5/2017)
Nowata County.  (5/5/2018)

Douglas County.  (5/17/2017)

Beaver County.  (2/8/2019)
Cambria County (Johnstown).  (6/3/2017)
Dauphin County. (4/22/2017)
Elk County.  (3/24/2019)
Erie County.  (10/11/2018 update)
Fayette County.  (7/25/2018)
Greene County.  (5/3/2017)
Lawrence County.  (2/5/2019)
UPDATE. Luzerne County.  (1/14/2017)
Mercer County.  (2/9/2019)
Northampton County.  (7/20/2017)
Old Forge (Lackawanna County).  3/18/2019)
Warren County.  (3/24/2019)
Wayne County.  (3/1/2018)
Williamsport.  (1/24/2017)

South Carolina
Spartanburg County.  (6/5/2017)

South Dakota
Lawrence County,.  (4/27/2017)

Campbell County.  (12/10/2017)
Lake County.  (12/22/2018)
Marion County.  (4/1/2017)
Maury County.  (10/31/2017)
Roane County.  (5/1/2018)
Union County.  (5/30/2017)

Gaines County.  (4/26/2017)
Shackelford County.  (2/26/2018)

Grays Harbor County.  (8/20/2017)

West Virginia
Berkeley County.  (3/25/2018)
Boone County.  (3/23/2018)
Brooke County.  (3/17/2019)
Cabell County.  (8/4/2017)
Doddridge County.  (3/19/2019)
Fayette County.  (1/24/2017)
Greenbrief County.  (12/14/2018)
Hancock County. (3/17/2019)
Harrison County.  (3/19/2019)
Jackson County.  (6/18/2017)
Lincoln County.  (3/21/2019)
Logan County.  (3/21/2019)
Marion County.  (3/18/2019)
Marshall County.  (2/7/2018)
Mason County.  (12/16/2017)
McDowell County.  (7/10/2017)
Mercer County.  (3/20/2019)
Mingo County.  (3/25/2018)
Summers County.  (3/25/2018)
Wayne County.  (3/24/2018)
Wetzel County.  (3/19/2019)
Wood County.  (1/15/2019)
Wyoming County.  (3/20/2019)

6th congressional district.  (1/27/2018)
Adams County.  (2/6/2017)
Buffalo County.  (3/19/2017)
Burnett County.  (2/24/2018)
Clark County,.  (8/13/2018)
Crawford County.  (5/14/2018)
Fond du Lac County.  (3/7/2018)
Grant County.  (5/16/2018)
Green Lake County.  (1/26/2018)
Jackson County.  (3/8/2018)
Johnson Creek.  (1/21/2017)
Juneau County.  (2/23/2017)
Lafayette County.  (5/16/2018)
Manitowoc County.  (8/10/2017)
Monroe County.  (3/8/2018)
Oconto County.  (7/24/2018)
Oneida County.  (4/24/2017)
Pepin County.  (12/21/2017)
Price County.  (12/23/2018 update)
Richland County.  (11/10/2017)
Sauk County.  (5/14/2018)
Sawyer County.  (3/20/2017)
Taylor County.  (12/23/2018 update)
Vernon County.  (5/14/2018)
Waushara County.  (2/6/2017)
Winnebago County.  (11/27/2017)
Wood County.  (3/8/2018)

Disappearing cities of Metro Detroit: Mount Clemens, Michigan

It all started here.

A Michigan city is pleading with churches, schools and a hospital for donations to help cover its staggering budget deficit.\ 
The mayor of Mount Clemens, Barb Dempsey [who is still mayor] sent a letter this week to 35 tax-exempt organizations asking them to voluntarily contribute to the city’s general fund, which pays for services like fire protection, streetlights and roads. Ms. Dempsey said the city has already drastically cut its expenses, having disbanded the police department six years ago, but still faces a $960,000 deficit that is projected to reach $1.5 million next year.

Source:  Wikipedia

Mount Clemens' population peaked at 21,016 in 1960. Its 2017 estimated population is 16,314 -- a drop of 4,702 (22%).

Incorporated as a village in 1827 and as a city in 1879, Mount Clemens is located in the southeast half of Macomb County.  It is surrounded almost entirely by Clinton Township.

Disappearing cities of Metro Detroit.
Allen Park.  (4/11/2019)
Berkley.  (4/20/2019)
Clawson.  (4/22/2019)
Dearborn Heights.  (4/14/2019)
Detroit.  (1/1/2019)
Eastpointe (East Detroit).  4/23/2019)
Ecorse.  (4/8/2019)
Ferndale.  (4/18/2019)
Garden City.  (4/13/2019)
Hamtramck.  (4/5/2019)
Harper Woods.  (4/16/2019)
Hazel Park.  (4/17/2019)
Highland Park.  (4/6/2019)
Inkster.  (4/12/2019)
Lincoln Park.  (4/10/2019)
Pontiac.  (4/21/2019)
Redford Township.  (4/15/2019)
River Rouge.  (4/7/2019)
Roseville.  (4/25/2019)
Royal Oak.  (4/19/2019)
St. Clair Shores.  (4/26/2019)
Warren.  (4/24/2019)
Wyandotte.  (4/9/2019)

Disappearing cities of the Mountain State

Other disappearing West Virginia cities:
Bluefield.  (3/20/2019)
Charleston.  (3/14/2019)
Clarksburg.  (3/19/2019)
Fairmont.  (3/18/2019)
Huntington.  (3/15/2019)
Logan.  (3/22/2019)
Parkersburg. (3/16/2019)
South Charleston.  (3/21/2019)
Weirton.  (3/17/2019)
Wheeling  (1/16/2019)

                    Disappearing cities of the Buckeye State

Other disappearing cities of the Buckeye State:
Akron. (2/28/2019)
Brook Park (3/3/2019)
Cambridge.  (2/27/2019)
Canton.  (3/1/2019)
Cleveland.  (1/2/2019)
Cleveland Heights.  (3/5/2019)
East Cleveland. (3/2/2019)
East Liverpool.  (2/18/2019)
Euclid.  (3/4/2019)
Gallipolis.  (2/23/2019)
Garfield Heights (3/6/2019)
Ironton.  (2/24/2019)
Lakewood.  (3/8/2019)
Maple Heights, 3/7/2019)
Martins Ferry.  (2/21/2019)
Parma.  (3/9/2019)
Pomeroy.  (2/22/2019)
Portsmouth.  (2/25/2019)
Steubenville.  (2/20/2019)
Warren.  (1/18/2019)
Youngstown.  (1/9/2019)
Zanesville.  (2/26/2019)

Disappearing cities and boroughs of the Keystone State

Aliquippa.  (1/12/2019)
Ambridge.  (1/17/2019)
Arnold.  (1/18/2019)
Braddock.  (1/19/2019)
Bradford, (1/20/2019)
Carbondale.  (1/21/2019)
Charleroi.  (1/22/2019)
Chester.  (1/23/2019)
Clairton.  (1/24/2019)
Coraopolis.  (1/25/2019)
Dickson City.  (1/26/2019)
Donora.  (1/27/2019)
Duquesne.  (1/28/2019)
Farrell.  (1/29/2019)
Harrisburg.  (2/12/2019)
Homestead.  (1/30/2019)
Johnstown.  (1/6/2019)
McKees Rocks.  (1/31/2019)
McKeesport.  (2/1/2019)
Monessen.  (2/2/2019)
Nanticoke.  (2/3/2019)
New Castle.  (2/4/2019)
New Kensington.  (2/5/2019)
Oil City.  (2/6/2019)
Pittsburgh.  (1/13/2019)
Pittston. (2/7/2019)
Scranton.  (1/14/2019)
Shamokin.  (2/8/2019)
Sharon.  (2/9/2019)
Steelton.  (2/11/2019)
Swissvale.  (2/13/2019)
Titusville.  (2/10/2019)
Uniontown.  (2/14/2019)
Washington.  (2/15/2019)
Willkes-Barre.  (2/16/2019)
Wiklinsburg.  (2/17/2018)

Other U.S. disappearing cities

Baltimore, Maryland.  (12/31/2018)
Benton Harbor, Michigan.  (1/15/2019)
Buffalo, New York, (1/8/2019)
Cairo, Illinois.   (1/5/2019)
Detroit, Michigan.  (1/1/2019)
East St. Louis, Illinois.  (1/11/2019)
Flint, Michigan.  (1/7/2019)
Gary, Indiana.  (1/4/2019)
St. Louis, Missouri.  (1/2/2019)