Friday, August 30, 2024

Remember 2022? Well, here they go again!

New York Times headlinestop, bottom

From the 8/24/2024 Times
It was here that the party arguably lost its majority in 2022, amid a backlash against the states’ punishingly high living costs and fears about public safety, which voters blamed on their Democratic supermajorities. At the same time, Democrats in New York and California were unable to capitalize on fears that Republicans would wipe away abortion access after the demise of Roe[emphasis added]

Democrats deployed that argument successfully to woo voters in swing states like Michigan and Virginia, but it fell flat in blue states where people regard abortion rights as safe. “The swing districts in blue states have just performed differently than swing districts in swing states,” said Dan Conston, the president of the Congressional Leadership Fund, the House Republicans’ official super PAC. “And it’s not one cycle; it’s multiple cycles.”

Look what's happened since November 8, 2022

Live by the polls, die by the polls
Trafalgar's Robert Cahaly:  Just what you'd expect from a "pollster" who promoted a nonexistent "Red Wave" in 2022
Dear Sean Hannity:  Trafalgar's Robert Cahaly deals in GOP wet-dream fantasies.  If he sez Trump is up 2 in Georgia, he's actually down 5.  Best, Retiring Guy.  (8/2/2024)

December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

February 2023
January 2023
RULE #1: Never take a Trafalgar poll at face valve (RNC chair election edition).  (1/27/2023)
Day 61 of Robert C. Cahaly's self-imposed exile.  (1/7/2023)
FiveThirtyEight reports Trafalgar poll with a straight face.  (1/6/2023)

December 2022

November 2022
And then there were those Trafalgar fantasy polls.  (11/21/2022)
Since Election Day, we have been listening to 'The Sounds of Silence" by Robert C. Cahaly.  (11/16/2022)
Looking forward to Trafalgar's first fantasy poll of the 2024 GOP presidential campaign shit show.  (11/16/2022)
Senate race in Arizona.  (11/15/21022)
Senate race in Colorado.  (11/14/2022)
Senate race in Nevada.  (11/15/2022)
Senate race in Vermont.  (11/11/2022)

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