Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Big question of the day: Are these two stories related?

The "9" are referred to as "juveniles" in the bottom article.
Top headline:  WiscNews, 8/23/2024
Photo by Retiring Guy
Bottom headline:  Wisconsin State Journal, 8/27/2024

From the State Journal:
Nine Reedsburg-area juveniles were cited for disorderly conduct after they harassed members of the Amish community, the Sauk County Sheriff’s Office said Monday. 
The citations stemmed from an incident Aug. 11 that prompted “multiple reports of harassment behavior toward members of the Amish community,” Sheriff Chip Meister said in a news release. 
Meister said “contact was made with a suspect vehicle involved” but did not provide further details, including what the suspects allegedly did or where it happened. 
This link is inserted between paragraphs 3 and 4.

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