Friday, August 30, 2024

U.S. 40 Cross Section of the United States of America (Chapter 18: Braddock's Grave)

That was then (1953)

Intro to chapter 18:
Edward Braddock, like his father before him, had served for many years as an officer of the Coldstream Guards.  He was a run-of-the-mill professional soldier, having an undistinguished record behind him.  His appointment, with at the title of Major General, to command the expedition against the French at Fort Duquesne is somewhat inexplicable unless we merely consider that the high command did not consider the campaign to be of any great difficulty.
This is now. 

Braddock's Grave is 57 miles south/southeast of Pittsburgh.
Photo by Retiring Guy: 1952 Rand McNally Road Atlas (arrow added)

Related post:
Chapter 1:  Beginnings.  (7/19/2024)
Chapter 2:  Coastal Plain.  (7/20/2024)
Chapter 5.  Six-Lane Highway.  (8/4/2024)
Chapter 6.  Bush River.  (8/5/2024)
Chapter 7:  Baltimore rows.  (8/6/2024)
Chapter 8:  Ellicott City.  (8/7/2024)
Chapter 9.  Frederick.  (8/8/2024)
Chapter 11.  Horrible example.  (8/16/2024)
Chapter 12.  Mount Prospect.  (8/17/2024)
Chapter 13:  Ridge and Valley.  (8/18/2024)
Chapter 14:  The Narrows.  (8/19/2024)
Chapter 15:  From Little Savage Mountain.  (8/27/2024)
Chapter 16:  Mason-Dixon Line.  (8/28/2024)
Chapter 17:  Fort Necessity (8/29/2024)

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