Monday, September 9, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Gush of gibberish at Michigan rally shows Trump's cognitive decline on full display

As quoted in
Daily Kos, 9/8/2024
Perhaps his cult has come to view him as an oracle and discounts the Post’s so-called “liberal bias.” But it’s hard to discount the word salads as anything other than signs of senile dementia, or in Tim Walz’ parlance, signs of being “weird.” Maybe the Post or some online pundit should collect them all, with video clips and verbatim transcripts, and make them available in single, ever-expanding online source.

Related posts:
September 2024
Donald Trump's cognitive decline:  It's no WEAVE, folks, it's just plain WEIRD!  And very concerning.  (9/5)

July-August 2024
Meet Donald Trump, "colossal moron" (taxes and tariffs edition).  (8/19)
Donald Trump:  "Losing his marbles" and in need of help. (8/8)

January-June 2024

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