Saturday, February 4, 2023

GET ME REWRITE: South Dakota GOP legislator fights crime and inflation with anti-vax harassment

Top headline:  NBC, 10/16/2022
Headline:   Sioux Falls Argus Leader, 2/3/2023

From the Argus Leader:
In her written statement, the staffer alleged Frye-Mueller came to her on Jan. 24 with her husband for discussion on a proposed bill about license plates. The staffer said after the conversation about the bill, Frye-Mueller asked about her child and the conversation turned to vaccines. The staffer alleges that Frye-Mueller said the staffer's baby could "get Down syndrome or autism" or even die, because of childhood vaccinations. 
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vaccinations do not cause autism. 
And when the staffer informed the senator she was using formula instead of breastfeeding when the senator asked, Frye-Mueller then allegedly told the staffer how "(the staffer's) husband could 'suck on (the staffer's) breasts' to get milk to come in," according to the complaint. 
"She proceeded to provide hand gestures to her chest area and motion to her husband to see if he agreed," the complaint stated. "He smiled and nodded."

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