Monday, January 26, 2015

Rubio, Cruz, and Paul: Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest

The Shrinking American Middle Class. (The New York Times, 1/25/2015)

Since George W. Bush was elected President.
But since 2000, the middle-class share of households has continued to narrow, the main reason being that more people have fallen to the bottom. At the same time, fewer of those in this group fit the traditional image of a married couple with children at home, a gap increasingly filled by the elderly.

The Koch Primary.  The Republican Approach to the Minimum Wage.  (Bloomberg Politics, 1/26/2015)
All three had already blasted President Barack Obama and Democrats for fostering income inequality.

Related posts:
It's deja vu vu vu all over again: The rich get richer, the poor poorer.  (8/12/2014)
Just Happenstance or Another Example of Income Inequality(3/11/2014) 
The very rich are not spending their money on job creation, suckers.  (3/5/2014)
Income inequality and the political process.  (1/12/2014)
Rich man wins, poor man pays.  (9/18/2013)
Wisconsin Budget Project: Little growth in income except for those at the top, part 4.  (9/14/2012)
Part 3.  (9/13/2012)
Part 2.  (9/12/2012)
Part 1.  (9/11/2012)
Shop til you drop:  Only if you're the 1%.  (11/16/2011)
Wisconsin ranks 46th in income inequality according to Census Bureau report.  (10/30/2011)

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