Sunday, October 14, 2018

UPDATE. Word has it that North Dakota, too, isn't that big of a deal.

Reported in Calling Ford an 'attractive witness’ and the other problematic things politicians have said about the Kavanaugh allegations.  (Washingotn Post, 9/27/2018)

Related reading:
#MeToo Is a ‘Movement Toward Victimization,’ G.O.P. Senate Candidate Says.  (The New YOrk Times, 10/8/2018)
North Dakotans, he said, appreciate the value “of saying what a lot of other people don’t dare say — but think.”

North Dakota ranks 5th among states with the largest percentage of non-Hispanic whites.  

And just who would that 'riffraff' be?

Original 10/10/2018 post, "So far, this gomer has the advantage in the North Dakota U.S. Senate election", starts here.

It's called a non sequitur.

50 Dumbest Things Right-Wingers Said in 2013.  (Rolling Stone,  12/14/2013)

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