Friday, July 19, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Winnebago County delegate George Bureau reports from an alternate universe at RNC Convention in Milwaukee

Headline:  Wisconsin State Journal, 7/19/2024

Winnebago County delegate George Bureau said Trump offered a message of unification across the country, not just among Republicans.“Connecting so well with everyone and pledging to give his all for all Americans,” Bureau said. “We are seeing the strong, compassionate leader.”
The Republican former president, who sometimes revels in viciously attacking his political foes in both parties, had promised a softer message of unity following his brush with death. But after an unusually personal account of the assassination attempt and praising God for his good fortune, Trump went on to deliver what analysts have called the longest acceptance speech in history, recounting many of his common campaign talking points, including his baseless claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. 
As pundits started mocking the length of the speech of social media (Trump continued speaking for many minutes even after saying "in conclusion"), Democratic strategist Joe Zepecki called it “the MAGA mad libs’ greatest hits.” 
Among those: Trump's claim that Democrats had cheated in the 2020 election he lost — despite a raft of federal and state investigations proving there was no systemic fraud — and his suggestion that “we must not criminalize dissent or demonize political disagreement,” even as he has long called for prosecuting his opponents.
Other RNC posts:

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