Monday, September 25, 2023

Who's in charge of the House of Representatives? That would be Kevin McCarthy puppetmaster, perv and Freedom Caucus Craziest Matt Gaetz

Headline and subNew York Times, 9/22/2023
Mr. Gaetz announced flatly that he had seven members who would oppose any plan to pass a stopgap measure to keep the government from shutting down on Oct. 1, no matter what spending or policy concessions Mr. McCarthy was willing to make to win them over. The proclamation did not go over well in the room, where even some members of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus grumbled in disapproval. 
But after the meeting, Mr. McCarthy quietly approached Mr. Gaetz and asked him to share the list of names, which Mr. Gaetz happily turned over. 
“They’re immovable,” Mr. Gaetz said with confidence. In fact, the list appeared to be growing.

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