Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Wisconsin Clusterfuck Caucus puts immigration and sanctuary cities in their sights (part 1)

Immigration bills resurface in Wisconsin Legislature as opponents eye worker walkouts.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/7/2017)
It doesn't work that way, Chumley.  Federal immigration authorities already ask that local governments hold suspected illegal immigrants for an extra 48 hours. Rep. John Spiros (R-Marshfield), the bill's lead sponsor, said he wants to make sure communities in Wisconsin do that. 
He emphasized that the bill would affect only immigrants who are accused of committing a crime, saying that those stopped for a traffic violation or who need police assistance wouldn't have their immigration status questioned.

Wisconsin State Legislature (highlight and arrow added)

Just another example of GOP hypocrisy.  Once again Republican legislators forsake their party's dearest principle, having long ago turned it into a joke, a cartoon conservative principle.

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