Thursday, February 25, 2016

Des Moines' Roosevelt High School sets an example in all-gender bathroom debate

Photo credit:  Ankeny Patch

As quoted in Roosevelt 'all gender' restrooms aim to make students feel safe.  (Des Moines Register, 2/25/2016)
Kudos to students who recognized the need and moved the issue forward.   So she [Zoey Wagner] and a group of student leaders set to work, scheduling meetings with officials and assessing existing facilities starting in mid-December. A few days ago, two white pieces of paper emblazoned with the words “all gender restroom” and taped on two bathroom doors heralded the opening of Des Moines Public Schools’ first officially designated gender-neutral restroom.

Meanwhile, we have this kind of nonsense taking place in Wisconsin.
UPDATE. True love never runs smooth: The 'bathroom bill' marriage of Jesse Kremer and Julaine Appling.  (2/20/2016)
Bathroom bill update: Julaine Appling must have inadvertently loosened her grip on Jesse Kremer's leash.  (12/16/2015)
It's time for Julaine Appling to take a bathroom break.  (11/20/2015)
Wisconsin Republicans continue their laser-like focus on jobs and the economy.  (10/7/2015)

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