Friday, February 27, 2015

There's a snowball's chance in hell that Sen. Inhofe knows what he's talking about

Not current photo credit:  U.S. Senate

Jim Inhofe’s snowball has disproven climate change once and for all.  (Washington Post, 2/26/2015)

Inhofe, a 1973 graduate of the University of Tulsa, is not a big-picture guy.

Global Analysis - January 2015.  (National Climatic Data Center)

Other climate change posts:
It's a big (and warming) world out there: January 2015 is 2nd warmest since 1880.  (2/20/2015)
Republicans need to generate a new climate change meme.  (1/21/2015)
Cold enough for you?  (3/9/2014)

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