Monday, February 27, 2012

Ross Township resident boasts, "In 55 years, I never went to the library"

Ross considers library tax vote. (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2/23/2012)

Excerpt:   Commissioners will consider the library ordinance during the March 5 meeting. It sets a referendum question for the April 24 primary, asking voters to approve a 0.22-mill tax to be used to fund the township's library contribution. 

The tax, which would amount to $22 on a house that is assessed at $100,000, is expected to raise $414,000, if approved. Ross' appropriation for Northland this year is $406,000. Any extra funds could be used to support other library ventures, such as a proposed branch or vending machine in Ross. 

Resident David Winter told commissioners he is against the tax, saying that only 30 percent of Ross residents hold library cards.

"In 55 years, I never went to the library," he said. "Everybody has computers now. The encyclopedias are online." 

Related posts:
This is how they like to do things in Ross Township Pennsylvania.  (12/16/2011)
Ross Township commissioners discuss library funding referendum. (1/21/2012)

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