Wednesday, December 28, 2022

George Santos, you lied on your resume. You broke the trust of your future employer. YOU'RE FIRED!

HeadlineNew York Times, 12/26/2022
Broken TrustInvestopedia

From the New York Times:
“My sins here are embellishing my résumé,” Mr. Santos told The New York Post in one of several interviews he gave on Monday.
Merriam-Webster defines 'embellish as follows:
to heighten the attractiveness of by adding decorative or fanciful details : ENHANCE
Santos lied about the basic fact of his and his family's lives.  What he did goes well beyond embellishment.

Related posts: 
On the hit parade of GOP misdeeds, George Santos rates a 'meh' with his colleagues.  (12/28/2022)
Rest assured the Trump-infused GOP will welcome their newest clown, serial liar George Santos, with open arms.  (12/17/2022)
Dear Henry Olsen, Voters didn't elect George Santos to Congress, they elected a figment of his imagination, a totally manufactured political creature. Best, Retiring Guy,  (12/22/2022)

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