Thursday, October 20, 2022

BREAKING NEWS: Amy Comey Barrett delivers smackdown to TIghty Whities at WILL regarding loan forgiveness plan, 10/20/2022
Barrett did not comment in turning away the appeal from the Brown County Taxpayers Association, which also has lost rounds in lower federal courts. The group wrote in its Supreme Court filing that it needed an emergency order to put the program on hold because the administration could begin canceling outstanding student debt as soon as Sunday. 
Barrett oversees emergency appeals from Wisconsin and neighboring states. She acted on her own, without involving the rest of the court.

Posted earlier today:  Tighty Whities at WILL in the news again

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty filed the emergency appeal on behalf of the Brown County Taxpayers Association, which argues Biden's plan to cancel up to $20,000 in student loan debt is illegal executive overreach. 
“What Constitutional power does Biden have to take John Q. Public’s money and pay Jane Q. Public’s school loans?" Brown County Taxpayers Association President Rich Heidel said in a statement. "Why not her mortgage, why not her car loan? How did the college-educated caste become the lucky ones? When and how does this stop? This nonsense not only defies the US Constitution — it defies common sense!"

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